


En résumé

- Project management for major complex civil engineering projects including mining and urban projects:
 Management of stage control requirements (scheduling, progress monitoring, cost control, change control, reporting, document management, teams and interface management)
 Management of project requirements (schedule development, cost estimation CAPEX/ OPEX and risk management)
- Management of engineering teams including studies for infrastructures (road, rail, slurry pipeline, port and marine infrastructure, power infrastructure, water infrastructure, mine infrastructure including buildings, urban development) and coordination with various project actors – including Process, Handling and SEIA Social and Environmental Impact Assessment teams.
- Design / Civil Engineering (design optimisation and integration of various technical inputs : architecture, structure and mechanical and electrical, coordination of production of calculation notes and formwork and reinforcement drawings)
- Project tendering, local investigation in new overseas markets, sourcing, set-up of the technical, financial and commercial proposal (for Private sector, Public sector and funding agencies: World Bank, European Union, Asian Development Bank and French Agency)
- Consultation and selection of sub-contractors and contract management, Negotiations of contract terms and conditions with partners, staff and client

Mes compétences :
Appels d offres
Appels d'offres
Conduite de travaux
design management
Maitrise d'oeuvre
Maîtrise d'ouvrage
Management de projets
Management Development
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management
Montage d'affaires
Gestion de projet


  • Metaldyne - Responsable qualité - Conception réalisation

    maintenant Stage de 6 semaines au sein de l’entreprise automobile Metaldyne basée à Halifax (Angleterre). Domaines conception, prototypage, surveillance et contrôle qualité du processus de production.
    Production de dampers.
  • Cité de la matière - Conseil pour la réalisation d'une des attractions

    maintenant Conseil pour la réalisation d'une des attractions d'un parc à thèmes du développement durable autour des énergies renouvelables
    Projet en partenariat avec des étudiants de l’Ecole de commerce Essec sur la thématique de lancement de nouveaux produits dans le cadre du développement durable. Entreprise projet : Cité de la matière. Réalisation : Maison des énergies renouvelables.
    Cours sur le lancement de nouveaux produits à la Défense.
    Constrcution et présentation du projet.
    Management d'une équipe et d'un projet.
  • Egis International - Business Developer and Project Manager - based in Jakarta / Indonesia

    Guyancourt 2017 - maintenant
  • Egis International / Egis Port - in JV with Bouygues TP - Study Manager [Monaco Offshore urban extension project – Feasibility Study]

    2015 - 2017 Urban extension project of 6 ha (14.8 acres) with iconic architectural buildings (60 000 m2), a landscaped park of 1 ha, a touristic littoral walking trail and a marina / small port facilities

    In charge of setting-up Egis engineering proposal (design and site supervision).
    Managing Infrastructure Design Teams (Egis and Bouygues TP study teams): Hydraulic, Ports, Geotechnical, Environmental, and Structural engineering for the production of the Feasibility Study. Integration of Architectural, Landscaping and Construction constraints, working as an integrated production team with the Construction company Bouygues TP. Project management (planning, progress, budget, contract). Driving architectural integration constraints (Renzo Piano, Valode et Pistre, Michel Desvigne)
  • Egis International - Business Developer and Project Manager - South-East Asia and specifically Myanmar - Urban projects

    Guyancourt 2012 - 2015 In charge of Egis commercial development from preparation of technical and commercial proposals, contract negotiation and follow-up of projects under execution phase - Various urban projects (including Special Development Zones / Special Economic Zones)
    Setting up of a subsidiary in Myanmar (administrative and legal, human resources aspects)
    In charge of the preparation of the strategic development plan of Egis for Asia area.
  • Egis International - Business Developer and Project Manager - South-East Asia and specifically Myanmar - Urban projects

    Guyancourt 2012 - 2015 In charge of Egis commercial development from preparation of technical and commercial proposals, contract negotiation and follow-up of projects under execution phase - Various urban projects (including Special Development Zones / Special Economic Zones)
    Setting up of a subsidiary in Myanmar (administrative and legal, human resources aspects)
    In charge of the preparation of the strategic development plan of Egis for Asia area.
  • Egis BCEOM International - Project and Engineering Manager - Mining projects (Congo / Cameroon - Africa)

    Guyancourt 2009 - 2012 Business developer for Mining projects - setting up proposals for Conceptual study, Pre-Feasibility Study, Feasibility Study, PMC and EPCM

    More specifically - in charge of Pre-feasibility study (PFS) and Early Feasibility (FS) for an Iron Ore Mining Project with Management of the engineering team (8 study work packages, more than 400 experts involved in the study) – Rail / Pipeline, Road, Port, Power, Mine Infrastructure. Coordination with Australian Process team and British Environmental Team. Structuration and follow-up of CAPEX, OPEX, Risks and construction schedule
  • Dragages Singapour - Design Structural Coordinator - Singapore

    2008 - 2009 Mission: Design structural coordination on a Project of 228 luxury apartments units in a Design and Build contract. Coordination and integration of architectural, structural and Mechanical and
    Electrical (M&E) aspects in Design. Optimisation of the structure. Management of up to 10 draft persons to prepare drawings (formwork and reinforcement)
  • Bouygues UK - Commercial - Design management - London / UK

    2007 - 2007 Mission: Project of development of 500 affordable housing within a Private Finance Initiative (PFI-PPP) in Preferred Bidder stage. Project and Team Management. Architectural conception, design optimization in order to prepare the planning application and the financial closing, coordination of the different people working on this project.
  • Bouygues Construction - GFC - Conduite de travaux - Responsable qualité sécurité environnement

    2006 - 2007 Stage de 6 mois de césure chez Bouygues Construction GFC Génie Civil en conduite de travaux sur une des stations du prolongement du métro marseillais. Suivi de sous-traitances et responsable du contrôle qualité de la production (démarche QSE), suivi des études et des méthodes, consultation pour l’approvisionnement de matériel.
  • Bureau des Arts de l'Ecole Centrale Paris - Responsable du secteur média

    2004 - 2006 Membre actif du « Bureau des Arts » de l’Ecole Centrale Paris : organisation d’évènements culturels et facilitation de l’accès à la culture parisienne, gestion d’une équipe et recherche de partenaires.
    Organisation d'un festival de courts métrages d'animation en 2006.


  • Ecole Centrale Centrale Paris / ECP

    Chatenay Malabry 2004 - 2008 Speciality “Civil Engineering” and “Project Management”

    Engineer diploma equivalent to an American master or a British MSc degree (with sandwich year in 2006-2007)
  • Lycée Du Parc

    Lyon 2002 - 2004 (option physique- sciences de l’ingénieur)
  • Lycée Dominique Villars

    Gap 1999 - 2002 filière scientifique option SI (sciences de l’ingénieur) spécialité mathématiques mention très bien


Annuaire des membres :