


En résumé

Apres plus de 4 ans au sein des laboratoires de R&D de la société Accenture a Sophia-Antipolis, 1 an de voyage autour du monde dans une idée creative, humaine et de découverte - Je me suis lancée vers une nouvelle aventure : La création de Zest for Web.
En tant que web designer et web développeur, je souhaite apporter avec ma double compétence, les meilleures expériences utilisateurs pour mes clients et mes projets web.

Ma principale motivation est de partager et de créer du dynamisme, de la fraicheur et une manière simple de communiquer dans le domaine du web.
Spécialisée dans le web 2.0, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (JQuery), Drupal pour le développement et Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign pour la partie design. Travailler avec les nouvelles technologies est une de mes priorités.


  • Zest for Web - Digital planner / Web Developer / Designer / Trainer

    2012 - maintenant Working @my own company "Zest for Web" as Web developer & Web designer. Working in this two domain to provide the best user experience on the web.
    The company name reflect my way of thinking and working. "Zest" represents the fresh, dynamic and nature of lime and the global expression "Zest for Web" is linked to the very positive expression "Zest for life" apply to the web.
    My work is focused on digital experiences - providing to the client a custom and well targeted solution based on latest technologies. I'm also working on Web development, Web Marketing, software development in many domain such as Health, Sports, Tourism and so on.

    My main motivation is sharing, communicating and creating New & Different projects with my clients.
    Specialized in web 2.0, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript (JQuery),PHP, Drupal, Wordpress, Flex technology for development & Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign for design.

    Another aspect of my work is training. From 2015 I started working with CONDE Art School in Nice to Develop the Digital with all the students.
    I'm also working with training centers for technical skills in enterprises such as web technology or also social media strategy, e-commerce development...
  • Tour du monde - Zest for web - Traveller

    2012 - 2012 After my 4 years experiences in Accenture, I decided to travel the world for personal and professional reasons. During my travel I gained more than just discovering new culture, new environment - I also earned more creativity, different way of thinking/working.
    From a personal perspective it was an exceptional experience by discovering different culture, people - sharing experiences and a pride in my new achievement as climbing/trecking a volcano in Indonesia until almost 3800 meter high.
    From a professional perspective it was so rich to meet and communicate with people around the world working in my domain (development and design on the web) - Caribbean, California, Australia, Hong kong and sharing the way of working, the environment, the technologies ... A king of worldwide market study. I also had the opportunity to work as a webmaster for a great association in Australia.
    I'm now ready to reflect all of these experiences and creativity in order to provide difference !
  • Accenture - Ingenieur Conseil

    Paris 2007 - 2011 Membre des Laboratoire R&D au sein d'Accenture a Sophia-Antipolis France.
    Je suis specialisee dans le domaine du web 2.0 et des developpement sur Technologie Flex. Mes principaux interets sont tournes vers le design et developpement web, le developement mobile et les communications. Travailler sur de nouvelles technologies est une de mes priorites.
    Les opportunites pour le developpement de carriere, l'enrichissement technologique sont mes objectifs de carriere.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :