Mes compétences :
SAS Statistical Package
Microsoft Office
R Commander
Creative Drink
- Chef de projet Innovation Boisson
2018 - 2018
- Stagiaire Recherche Clinique et Pré-clinique - BIONOV
GRASSE2017 - 2017Etude des effets d'une crème contenant un extrait de melon riche en SOD B® sur l'hydratation de la peau humaine.
The Brewery Simond Farsons Cisk
- Stagiaire Contrôle Qualité
2016 - 2016Quality control
Simonds Farsons Cisk plc is a group of companies on the island of Malta engaged in the brewing, production and sale and distribution of beers and other beverages, the importation, wholesale and retail of food and beverages including wines and spirits, the operation of franchised food retailing establishments and property development.
- Stagiaire Recherche et Developpement
Paris2014 - 2014Research on the anaerobic digestibility of algal-sludge granules.
Park C, Seynhaeve L, Sialve B, Carrère H
The anaerobic digestibility of algal-sludge granules, In WEF/IWA RESIDUALS AND BIOSOLIDS 2015, Water Environment Federation Residuals and Biosolids Conference2015 07-10 June, 2015 Washington, USA (oral presentation)
The Laboratory of Environmental Biotechnology (LBE) is a research unit of the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA). It depends on the Environment and Agronomy (EA) and Microbiology and Food Chain (MICA) division for the scientific part, and on the INRA center in Montpellier...
Montpellier2014 - 2017Master of Engineering (M.Eng)
Polytech Montpellier is one of 13 Engineering schools in the Polytech group under the authority of the French Engineering Qualification Commission (CTI).
Food Technology and Biochemistry,Physicochemistry Process and Food Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Quality and Safety, Process and food innovation, Microbiology, Nutrition