
Lepretre NICOLAS


En résumé

10 years experienced project and engineering manager for large and complex projects / tenders in power generation business.
International working experience in China, U.S, India, France, U.K, Sweden.
Respected for combining strong technical knowledge in several disciplines, Quality/Process and commercial skills, with the ability to motivate and empower people to deliver.

Good interpersonnal skills that give me capacity to adapt myself quickly in a new environment, whether technical or human.
Strong believer in integrity and transparency.

Specialities: ability to work effectively in a global and cross-functional environment, project engineering management , tendering, supplier qualification and management.

Mes compétences :
Environnement international
Gestion d’équipes
Suivi technique
travail en équipe
Gestion de projet
Offres commerciales


  • GE Power - Customer Application Team leader

    2015 - maintenant Responsible of Customer Application team (4 persons), in charge of tendering nuclear turbo-generator package.

    - Provide technical expertise and develop technical solutions (configuration, performance estimation, economics, etc.) while interfacing with the commercial team.
    - Understanding of relevant markets and customer economic value that aid winning bid strategies.
    - Technical analysis of client need: definition and optimization of the products; scope; schedule; industrial scheme; cost, considering contract and internal policies and procedures.
    - Documentation of technical specifications & costing elements for further contract execution phases.

    Strong activity in China, UK, Finland, France and US from bid analysis to final negociation and handover to project execution team.
  • Alstom Power - Technical Tendering group manager

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2013 - 2015 Manager of Nuclear Steam Turbine Tendering Group (5 Technical Proposal Managers) in charge of :
    - Technical analysis of customer enquiries,
    - Steam turbine configuration technico-economical choice
    - Costing of the solution, planning and risk profiles
    - Redaction of the technical offer
    - Technical clarifications with customer and support to Sales team for final negociation

    Team management and technical expert role, with active participation on key tenders and negociations.
    Strong involvment on cost reduction programme (ideas generation, and implementation).
    Regular assessor on design reviews fror new R&D programmes.
  • Alstom Power - Project Engineering Manager for Nuclear Steam Turbines

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2009 - 2013 Main responsibilities:
    - Provide leadership and direction for execution of engineering activities by design departments;
    - Manage multiple engineering groups, each encompassing several design disciplines, localized in different countries and simultaneously sharing engineering tasks;
    - Ensure adherence to project budgets and schedules, quality requirements and compliance with regulations;
    - Responsible for interfaces and technical coordination with customer, internal and external partners (Bechtel, Areva, EDF, NPCIL, BHEL...);
    - Technical support and coordination with Alstom factory network and external suppliers;.
    - Support to the development of a new engineering unit in Chattanooga, TN (USA)

    2011- 2013: Project Engineering Manager for the turbine and its auxiliary systems on a 2 unit nuclear power plant in India (2 x 716 MW)

    2009 - 2011: Project Engineering Manager for the turbine and its auxiliary systems on a nuclear power plant with EPR reactor in the U.S.(1708 MW).
  • Alstom Power - Project Quality Engineer for Chinese Projects

    Levallois-Perret Cedex 2006 - 2008 Project Quality Manager, for the turbine and its auxiliary systems on the Ling Ao project (China), nuclear power plant (1000 MW), and on Hongyanhe project (China), nuclear power plant (from Jan 2008):

    - Creation and follow-up of Inspections & Tests plan
    - Management of inspections and attendance to customer inspections
    - Expediting
    - Management of the non-conformities
    - Management of supplier and product qualifications
    - Responsible for the quality documentation (End Of Manufacturing Reports)

    In parallel, team building, training and management of the Quality Engineering Service (5 persons)
  • MBDA - Aerodynamic engineer

    Le Plessis-Robinson 2005 - 2005 Work Placement in the aerodynamic department of the METEOR missile project, in charge of aerodynamic calculation and trajectories simulations.


  • Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Institut Royal De Technologie) (Stockholm)

    Stockholm 2003 - 2005 Master of Science

    Department of Aeronautical and Vehicle Engineering
    DOUBLE DEGREE (graduation in September 2005)

    Toulouse 2001 - 2005 Master's degree in Aeronautic

    Aeronautical Engineer Diploma from ISAE, Institut Supérieure d’Aéronautique et de l’Espace


Annuaire des membres :