I practise the martial arts styles of yongchunquan, yiquan and the handling of diverse weapons as well as qigong, yoga, meditation, running and cycling. My main focus is in the following three fields: I direct the Wu Mei Shu Retreat & Coaching Center 五梅术 for various arts, I teach as guest lecturer at international seminars, and I hold business events for companies and groups in Europe. I am holding an eighth Duan (Dashi) with The World Kuoshu Federation.
Other than martial arts, I am also particularly interested in issues of humanity and nature. I currently live at the Wu Mei Shu Retreat & Coaching Center in the North-Ardèche France where retreats for groups and individuals are held.
Mes compétences :
Arts martiaux
Kung Fu
Martial arts
Pas de formation renseignée