


En résumé

Hard worker, strongly sales-oriented. Excellent human and professional communication skills make me a good team player.
My positive attitude meaning have a very good and constructive impact on my team. I always delivers requested results and high quality.
I'm dedicated person who knows how to achieve my objectives in the most efficient way. In addition to having a great set of sales, marketing, and communication skills, I have a strong team spirit, and I'm always curious about learning and ready to help people around me.
Always positive in giving and receiving feedback, I'm engaged with the team and its goals.
My joy can be contagious!

Mes compétences :
Stratégie digitale
Études marketing
Gestion de projet
Négociation commerciale
Techniques de vente
Google analytics
Google Adwords
Adobe Photoshop
Traduction anglais français
Traduction espagnol français


  • Geoloc Systems | Transport for the future | C-ITS - Marketing & Communication Manager

    2016 - maintenant ITS Australia is delighted to be hosting the 23rd World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems to be held in Melbourne from 10 - 14 October 2016. "ITS-Enhancing Liveable Cities and Communities" will bring Melbourne's reputation as the world's most liveable city into the spotlight as we explore the benefits that ITS delivers to critical elements of our daily life.

    Geoloc Systems, is pleased to represent the first European project completely dedicated to the deployment of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems applied to the logistics (CO-GISTICS) for the ITS World Congress in Melbourne.

    Our company had the honor to realize a demonstration with two of our solutions: GLOSA and NOSCIFeL (with GeotransMD).

    If you wish to participate in one of our demonstrations, do not hesitate to get in touch with me.


  • OBM - Digital Content Manager | FR | BE-FR

    2015 - 2016
  • BCN by Skate - E-Commerce Manager

    2015 - 2015 BCN by Skate | Startup situated in the heart of Barceloneta | Rent & Buy Land Paddle | @-shop | Professional distributor : Spanish & French market.

    - Shop merchandising : High-end market position, products position, storefront windows
    - Visual Identity | Graphic chart : Logo, flyers, visit cards, point-of-sale ads (videos, pictures,...) | (e-Design, GoPro Editor).
    - Website creation in 3 languages (FR, EN, ES), Webcontent, @-shop (Google Adwords, Google Analytics).
    - Social Media : Facebook (Ads, Community management) Instagram (Community management, strategy of recruitment, # analysis).
    - Partnership : Bloggers : Kaneamuna, Travel agency : Travelmatebarcelona.com, Shop : Molokaï Center, Bar : promotional video.
    - E-mailing

    PLACE :
    - Shop : Buy & Rent.
    - @-Shop : Catchement area -->Europe.
    - B2B : surfcamp, surfschool, surfshop, skatecamp, skateshop, sports center, leisure center, summer camp.
    - Management of the French Market distribution : @-shop | B2B. Prospection and creation of a data base. Seting-up of the commercial campaign. Negotiation.
    - Stock management : @-shop | Shop | B2B.

    PRICES :
    - Analyse of the market prices,
    - Negotiation of prices with the Californian suppliers,
    - Creation of the margins and the sale prices, individuals / professionals and rents.
  • Facebook - Ads Specialist - Account Manager

    Paris 2014 - 2015 FACEBOOK Ads | Small Medium Business - Agencies |

    - Manage a portfolio of 150 clients.
    - Audit of the ecosystem of communication of my client: quantitative | qualitative.
    - Analysis of needs. Implementation of advertising campaigns: choice of the product: (video views, likes, conversion website, coupon promotion, events...)
    - Geographical, demographic, behavioral segmentation
    - Application of a digital advertising strategy : advices graphs, editorial.
    - Analysis and planning of the broadcasting of the campaign.
    - Investment CPC, CPM application | Day or Campaign Budget |
    - Analysis of the results of campaigns : frequency, ratio budget/target, relevance
    - Optimization if need.
    - Trainee on a new product | Business Manager |
    I work closely with the customer service to answer in a fast and qualitative way in case of technicals issues.
  • Momorangi Bay Campsite & Store - Webmarketing Consultant

    2012 - 2013 WWOOFING : World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, or Willing Workers on Organic Farms, is a loose network of national organizations that facilitate placement of volunteers on organic farms.

    Momorangi Bay Campsite and Store is situated on a Department Of Conservation which belongs to the Ministry of Agriculture. The company want to create its own identity to growth up the visibility of the services.

    - Analysis of needs in communication.
    - Proposition of an ecosystem of communication: Socia Media, Website, quizzes, customer database, emailing.
    - Creation of the web tree
    - Draw "in a raw way": the model. Focus on the ergonomics and the organization of the contents.
    The model is realized in two steps:

    * The zoning of the Web site to define and position the various functional zones (blocks) in the web page. I have to place the logo, the zone of menu, the main contents, columns and the widgets possible.
    *The wireframe leaves the zoning and details certain parts contained in the various blocks: location of buttons, nature of the contents (image, video) … At this stage , no design is applied, I try only to validate the functional aspect of the future Web site.
    (Balsamiq Mockups).
  • Conseil régional Aquitaine, service Communication - Digital Project Manager

    2012 - 2012 The Region wished to set up a new Web strategy by reduce its park of web sites. According to the adopted strategy the institution will come under six sites before three years. This is when my post takes all its sense with a mission defined well around the main e-service of the Region: the guide of the helps for Aquitain Citizens.

    - Management of the project :
    * define the objectives (short, long terms),
    * the actors (contracting authority, project manager, providers),
    * the budget,
    * the schedule,
    * the diagram of GANTT of the missions.

    - Evaluation of the editorial contents :
    * The ergonomics, the design and the efficiency of the broadcasting of the information of the e-service.
    * Audit of web browsing developed from quantitative and qualitative studies (individual interviews with the free screencast Jing).

    - Benchmark : 10 French Regions
    - Analyze the various scenarios of browsing which realize the Internet users to remove the best process from it for the guide of the helps of the Region Aquitaine, by taking account of the specificities of this one. Criteria of analysis: How to find its help ? tools ? : FAQ, form of contact, glossary of initials, etc. Userfriendly ? : use of pictograms, icons, social networks, etc.

    - Statistics : Google Analytics, XITI
    * Quantify the audience and the traffic site of the guide according to several criteria: numbers of visits, seen pages, duration average visits, etc.

    - The modifications : Three phases :
    * I realized an instruction book to allow an editorial "cleaning". The modifications will be brought by the people responsible for the edition of articles in every concerned department (Economy, youth, employment, etc.)
    * Synthesis : Content : Communication, Information, Institution | Service : Interactivity, Tools |
    Visibility : SEO | Ergonomie-Perception.
    * Call for projects.

  • .VIPUNCH, coach sportif - Marketing & Communication - Digital Consultant

    2012 - 2012 How to reach a particular and professionals targets ?

    Marketing :
    - Market study of the sport and the coach at home.
    - Audit on the various supports of communication, the strategy of development of customer loyalty and recruitment.
    Action plan
    - Webmarketing: SEO/SEM, e-mailing, multimedia, social networks, public relations, advertising.
    - Recommendations: SEO, navigation, web content, architecture of the site, social media, tools which allow a feeling of flow.
  • TIPLO, poêle à bois - SEO/SEM Assistant

    2012 - 2012 Retailer and installer of wood stoves |

    Analysis of the position of the site on the Google search engine.

    SEO :
    - Research of keywords on the website : corresponding at the activities, Corresponding to specific researches
    - Writing web content articles
    - Writing and broadcasting of press releases
    - Netlinking : Suppliers, forums, comparators, dedicated sites ...
    - Creations of relevant tabs to optimize the editorial contents and the SEO
    - Improve URL, description of the images, develop the blog...

    SEM : Google Adwords
    - Choice of keywords from Google Adwords
    - Strategy of targeting, management of the CPC, writing the contents of the groups of ads.
    - Analyse of the results & the ROI.
  • Adishatz - External Communication Assistant

    Schiltigheim 2010 - 2010 Creator of T-shirt humouristique which retranscribe the life of the region of the big southwest of France | Occitan Brand

    - Editorial creation of the storytelling.
    - Segmentation targets / media, creation of a database.
    - Creations of press pack
    - Interview with skiing champions sponsorized by the brand and relieved it.
    - Opinion leaders' prospecting and relational approach (Michel Cordes, actor).
    - Follow-up of the professional partnerships with cultural festivals.


  • IUT LA Rochelle (La Rochelle)

    La Rochelle 2011 - 2012 Bachelor
  • IUT De Bayonne (Bayonne)

    Bayonne 2008 - 2010 BTEC Higher diploma

    Major of the internal trading competition.
  • Lycée Paul Bert (Bayonne)

    Bayonne 2006 - 2008 A level

    With Honors


Annuaire des membres :