Suez Environnement
- Chargée de mission - Société des Eaux d'Alger
PARIS LA DEFENSE2013 - 2014- Suivi du déploiement du Contrat de Management SEAAL 2 (PPP innovant entre SE/actionnaires visant l’autonomisation de la structure par un transfert des savoir- faire métiers et managériaux d’envergure)
- Elaboration de cahier des charges (1M€), accompagnement du projet de certification ISO 9001 de l’entreprise,
Société Safege
- VIE Chargée de développement commercial
2011 - 2013- Elaboration des réponses aux appels d’offres (montage et suivi des dossiers pour des projets d’envergure internationale)
- Veille du marché, développement d’outils de suivi et analyse de la concurrence, élaboration de documents commerciaux, relations clients et partenaires
Trashy bags
- Project officer assistant
2011 - 2011The smart bag project, a project of the Smart Ghana Initiative:
The Smart Bag Project is intended to address the serious problem of plastic waste finding its way into the Ghanaian environment due to the lack of recycling programs, civic resources and environmental awareness.
By introducing a cheap alternative to single-use plastic bags at retailers, the project plans to change attitudes in the Ghanaian population by encouraging them to use a reusable bag that itself has been made from waste plastic sachets that litter the environment.
In order to be able to produce the reusable bag in sufficient quantities, teams of unemployed youth are being trained in various locations in Ghana to manufacture the bag called the Trashy Smart Bag.
To further encourage the widespread uptake of the Trashy Smart Bag at retail outlets a scheme of sponsored advertising is proposed that will allow the bag to be distributed to retailers at zero cost.
The bags are then to be sold to shoppers at a maximum price of GHc 1.00.
Production of a business plan
Research of sponsors
Communication around the project
CHF Ghana
- Junior consultant
2010 - 2011Founded in 1952, the Cooperative Housing Foundation now known simply as CHF International serves more than 20 million people each year, empowering them to improve their lives and livelihoods for a better future.
CHF currently has programs in more than 30 countries around the world, across Asia, Africa, Latin America & the Caribbean, Europe & the Caucasus, and the Middle East. In Ghana, CHF launched 3 programs, all of them are linked to urban development: Wash-Up (water, sanitation and hygiene for urban poor), SCALE-UP (Slum Communities Achieving Livable Environments with Urban Partners) and YES (Youth Empowerment in Service delivery).
The Sekondi-Takoradi City Spatial Development Plan (CSDP) is the result of the Sekondi-Takorady City Development Strategy (CDS) initiative launched in November 2010 as a joint program of Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) and the Cooperative Housing Foundation (CHF International Ghana) to bring the various stakeholders of the city urban development together and to explore ways of changing urban management into a more effective way.
Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly and CHF Ghana have decided to direct the project towards MTDP (2010-2013) spatialization.
For the purpose of carrying out this spatial development mapping exercise, a team composed of STMA staff (development planners, physical planners, GIS experts) and CHF Ghana (urban planners and GIS expert) was formed.
The main purpose of this mapping exercise is to display the spatial dimensions of Sekondi-Takoradi Medium Term Development Plan (2010-2013). The maps are expected to serve as a basis for implementing the development strategy, and for general evaluation of geographically oriented actions.
- Provided technical support to Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Authorities to develop a City Development Strategy
- Provided guidelines for the development of the CDS process
- Conducted stakeholder consultations through focus group discussions
- Undertook stakeholders analysis
- Established a diagnosis using varied tools (Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices, SWOT analysis)
- Collected data for GIS
- Designed maps with GIS
Agence d'urbanisme pour le developpement de l'agglomeration lyonnaise
- Assistant project officer
2009 - 2009- Internal cooperation between Lyon metropolis and Ouagadougou
- Provided technical assistance to Ouagadougou city council for realization and development of strategic document, communication and monitoring tools for Ouagadougou Agenda 21.
- Involvement in the agency international activities
Institut des metiers de la ville
- Junior consultant
2009 - 2009- Internal cooperation between Paris capital region and Antananarivo town council
- Diagnosis of transportation management in Antananarivo metropolis
- Definition of 5 scenarii for a regulation agency on urban transportation
G2 Conception
- Junior consultant
2008 - 2009- Provided technical support to Ouagadougou Municipal Authorities to develop a City Development Strategy
- Attended stakeholders consultation
- Designed strategy and action plan
- Attended a workshop on Ouagadougou master plan design
- Project officer assistant
2007 - 2008- Provided technical support for two master plans design (Cissac-Medoc, Civrac-de-Blaye)
- Mapping
- Design strategy for sustainable urban development