Rueil-Malmaison cedex2011 - 2016- Administration du personnel
- Coordination de la Paie (externalisée)
- Gestion et coordination du SIRH
Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Assistante Recrutement, Formation et Communication RH
Rueil-Malmaison cedex2007 - 2011From sept 2009 Training and Recruitment Assistant
- Recruitment: Management of Temporary Workers (recruitment and follow-up), Reports, creation of a student booklet for external recruitment
- Training : Engineering, registration, planning, follow up, reports, skills evaluation (French : Bilan de Compétences)
- Others : HR Intranet restructuration (creation of a sharepoint website)
2007 – 2009 HR Manager Assistant
Preparation of a weekly report for recruitment team and BUD’s HR Manager
Administration of the Performance Connections (evaluation and performance tool)
Assessment Center organization
Assistantship for the HR team