


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Thomson Reuters
Microsoft office
Visual c++
Finance de marché
Finance d'entreprise


  • BNP Paribas - Performance and risk analyst

    Paris 2014 - 2015 Daily and monthly reporting on Security Portfolio Optimization for specific corporate clients.
    Risk analysis: parametric and Monte-Carlo VAR, Stress test, Tracking Error on Vanilla portfolio including Equities, Bonds, Options, Futures, Forwards, Currencies.
    Develop and optimize VBA macros for internal tools.
    Interaction with other department for portfolio multi-risk report.
    Calculation of breakdowns and exposures (countries, currencies and sectors).
    Calculation of interest rate risks indicators (duration, modified duration, yield to maturity...).
  • Kepler Cheuvreux - Sales Trader Assistant

    Geneva 2013 - 2013 Market maker, liquidity provider for specific stocks.
    Implement intraday P&L tools for the desk.
    Daily analysis of markets trends, research and write reports (Europe, Asia, US).
    Develop Excel VBA spreadsheets using Bloomberg API in order to automate end of the day positions of the Equity trading desk.
    Trading Equity stock position for corporate clients.
  • DETAMPEL - Project Manager for EUROCOPTER (Genre 6 / Genre 8)

    2011 - 2012 Parts feasibility study, prices negotiation.
    Setting up of all proceeds for the NADCAP Heat Treating (Successful Audit).
    Economic study of Aluminium trend, with regional board hedging proposal which allows the group to increase their market share (customers, contracts and revenues).
  • DEFIS PATRIMOINE - Company launch (Wealth Management company)

    2010 - 2015 Associate manager.
    Entrepreneur, company founder.
    Planning, computing and advertisement management.
    Develop Excel VBA tools for wealth management analysis (Income taxes, Taxes exemptions...) and accounting.
    Real Estate agent.
    Representative for financial and real estate partners.
  • Airbus Operations (GERMANY) - Customer Inspection Management A380

    2010 - 2010 Management of Customer Inspection process during Furnishing and Delivery.
    Management of the non conformities (QLB) and follow up.
    Interface with customer, Analysis of repetitive non conformities via statistics.
    Knowledge of manufacturing/assembly processes (structural, electrical, hydraulic).


  • ESSEC Business School

    Cergy Pontoise 2012 - 2014 Advanced Master's in Financial Techniques

    Relevant courses:

    - Financial market
    - Options
    - Stochastic volatility
    - GARCH Model
    - Credit risk
    - Fixed Income
    - Advanced derivatives
    - Tax system of the market products
    - Trading et market organisation
    - Hedge Funds
    - Commodities Markets
    - International finance

    Levallois Perret 2006 - 2011 Aerospace Engineer Degree

    Groupe ISAE - Relevant courses:

    - Aerodynamics
    - Air Transport economy
    - Mathematics
    - Physics
    - Statistics
    - Flight Operation management
    - Programmed Maintenance
    - Business management.


Annuaire des membres :