Activité indépendante auto-entrepreneur
- Freelance en Communication Digitale & Multilingue
2015 - 2016
Activité indépendante en auto-entrepreneur.
Communication Digitale & Multilingue.
Je propose mes services pour des missions courte, moyenne et longue durées de préférence auprès des startups, TPE, PME, commerces locaux, associations et particuliers/personnalités publiques.
- Chargée de Communication & Partenariats
2015 - 2015
Communication : community management, relations publiques, social media management, veille informationnelle, rédaction web, rédaction de communiqués de presse.
Partenariats : recherche de nouveaux partenariats, accompagnement jusqu'à la signature du contrat, contact tout au long du partenariat.
- Social Media Manager
2015 - 2016
Social Media Manager pour OneEurope, média européen.
European Voice
- Etudiante-Ambassadrice
2014 - 2015
Ambassadrice pour l'évènement "EU Studies Fair 2015" à Bruxelles (Belgique) qui aura lieu les 6&7 Février 2015.
Bringing Europeans Together Association
- Public Relations Officer
2014 - 2015
Bringing Europeans Together Association e.V. (BETA) is a young, politically independent, non-profit association founded in August 2008 by nine young Europeans in Mainz, Germany. Today, BETA counts nearly 250 members from all across Europe, most of them being students or having recently finished their studies.
BETA’s main goals are:
To foster a European identity and consciousness based on plurality, tolerance and cooperation between individuals, as well as strengthening the European civil society by further developing democratic processes on the national and international levels.
To establish sustainable administrative structures that ensure the success of the Model European Union (MEU) event in Strasbourg and other similar events.
We are eager to provide all young people with opportunities and means to discover the founding principles behind Europe.
We intend to do so by offering them the possibility to better understand the political system in which they live. We believe everyone can and should engage in politics to the level of their own interest. Regardless of the perception they have of the current political establishment, young people need to understand it in order to be able to actively participate in it and contribute to it with original ideas. In a few words, we believe in the power of the youth to shape European life.
Even though the association is registered in Germany, BETA sees itself as a European association. Therefore, we mainly communicate and manage our projects online. However, we also organise international meetings for closer cooperation and to foster friendships between our members. This enables everybody from across Europe to join in and engage in our projects.
Come and start the most challenging experience together with us, together with BETA!
Association Les Décaentés
- Traductrice & Interprète
2014 - 2014
Interprète & Traductrice (suédois, français, anglais), Deuxième séminaire franco-nordique : efficience énergétique, mieux consommer l’énergie pour des villes durables ?
Association Décaentés, Sciences Po Rennes, 27.03.2014
Centre Régional des Lettres de Basse-Normandie
- Bénévole
2013 - 2013
Accueil et renseignements des personnalités et visiteurs au festival Les Boréales à Caen.
Gestion d'un lieu d'accueil.
Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
- Assistante
2013 - 2014
Assistante à l’Espace Orientation Insertion, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie.
Accueil des étudiants et recherche documentaire.
Participation aux études sur le devenir des étudiants (saisie, relecture).
Contrat de 297h en emploi étudiant.
Euroopa Maja
- Journaliste
2012 - 2012
Journaliste et photographe pour l’Euroopa Maja (Europe House) à Tartu (Estonie), simulation sur le modèle de l’Union Européenne, Commission des Affaires Générales et Commission Économique et Financière.