With a 7 years background in particle physics research, I have switched towards medical physics. With good skills in analysis, software development and Monte Carlo simulations, my carrier goal would be to adapt my background knowledge of high energy physics to medical clinical and research applications.
Skills :
- Physics, Medical physics, high energy physics
- Quality Assurance in radio-oncology
- Treatment planing in radio-oncoloogy
- Medical imaging
- Radioprotection
- Scientific computing
- Data analysis
- Monte Carlo simulations
- Project management
- Teaching
Tools :
- Treatment planning : Pinnacle, Eclipse, XKnife, OncentraBrachy
- Work environment : Linux, Windows
- Object-orientated programming (C, C++, shell-script)
- Development softwares : Python, Matlab, GEANT4, ROOT
- Bilingualism in french and english
Mes compétences :
Analyse de données
Développement C
Développement C#
Développement C++
physique médicale