


En résumé

Senior exploration geologist, exposure to GIS packages :
• Competency in managing exploration teams and planning exploration programs from an early stage exploration (stream sediment sampling, airborne geophysical surveys, processing satellite imagery, soil sampling, trenching) to project development (geological mapping , scout drilling and deposit outline drilling)
• Gold and copper resources experience.
• Fluent in the application and use of the Geographical Information System and the data processing on geological and metallogeny domains.

Mes compétences :


  • Tanety Lava SARL, a Member Company of Aziana Exploration Corporation: - Senior exploration geologist

    2011 - 2013 ensure and defined exploration program to a high technical standard and in accordance to budget, manage and provide guidance in interpretation of assay result.
  • Projet de Gouvernance des Ressources Minérales - Mapping –prospecting geologist, familiarity with GIS databases and processing

    2004 - 2010 *Project of mineral ressources Gouvernance PGRM, Madagascar

    •Malagasy counterpart during the Geologic Mapping Project of Madagascar
    -geological survey
    -re-interpretation, modernisation of the existing geological Madagascar’s Precambrian basement maps(using airborne geophysical survey data and remote sensing data)
    -regional stream sediment sampling; lithostratigraphy; lithogeochimie
    -evaluation of the mineral potentiel of madagascar and development of the mineralization models
    -map compilation and interpretation

    •redefintion of the conceptual model of the BPGRM's database for better application : Standardization, homogenization and correction of geoscientifics data bases
    Software : ArcGis 9.2

    •GIS and remote sensing traineers

    *Nutam Operations (Pty) LTD and GeoLab Namibia (Pty)
    Free lance consultancy : Compilation of available data concerning Madagascar's alluvial/placer mineralizations

    *Free lance consultancy
    study of emerald mineralization opportunity in the south east of Madagascar: bibliographic compilation, thematic mapping, field work.


Pas de formation renseignée


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