Altran pour Airbus
- Change management and communication
2010 - maintenant
Altran pour Airbus
- PMA (Project Management Assistance)
2009 - 2010
Altran pour Continental
- Project Management Assistance
2008 - 2009
Storage-systems Company (Russie, Moscou)
- PR manager
2007 - 2007
Mise en place de la communication du site Internet de STORAGE-SYSTEMS
- Ingénieur Etude
2004 - 2006
Performed research and development on several projects dealing with improvement of AC performance
OREANDA News Agency (Russie, Moscou)
- Rédacteur en chef
2003 - 2004
Managed a team of 5 journalists reviewed and approved news blocks and published on www.oreanda.ru and www.sport.ru
SODIS Travel Company (Russie, Moscou)
- Administrateur du site Internet
2002 - 2002
Developed strategy and realized an advertising campaign for website’s "e-shop" on www.sodis.ru
POTREBITEL Publishing House (Russie, Moscou)
- Journaliste free-lance, expert en analyse de marchés
1999 - 2007
Researched and wrote articles dealing with home appliances and consumer's goods and performed market research;
Organized and followed the strategies for goods testing (planned, optimized, purchased samples, interpreted results.