


En résumé

Mes compétences :
ISO 50001
Energy Management
Thermique du bâtiment
Efficacité énergétique
Energies renouvelables
Strategic Energy Management
Microsoft Office
analysis of compressed air systems and development
Strong Project Management experience
Project Management
Energy Balance analysis
Continuous Energy Management



    2013 - 2013 This plant is specialised in the production of nose sections for the Airbus family of Aircraft
    Within a team of four, conduct a project study into the energy study of the manufacturing facility

    2012 - 2013 O-I Manufacturing is a world's leading glass-packaging maker.
    Assistant of energy leader for the fusion department at Wingles Plant, accountable for the Energy Management development plan to enable the creation of energy-saving improvements to reduce the energy consumption of the facility.

    Key Responsibilities

    * Development of feasible energy saving actions within the facility
    * Planning and implementation of cost effective solutions
    * Conduct an Energy Balance of and industrial heat exchanger, specifically Water, Steam, Hot Air Flow of a Glass Furnace
    * Conduct an insulation and thermal study within the facility to optimise an industrial building to set its optimal thermal insulation
    * Conducting a ventilation study on an electrical enclosure room to optimise cooling
  • CRITTM2A - Stagiaire

    Montargis 2011 - 2011 Etude de microdéformations par vibrométrie laser à balayage
  • PSA PEUGEOT CITROEN - Site de Trnava (Slovaquie) - Stagiaire: animation TPM

    2011 - 2011 - Automatisation des tableaux de bord "Fiabilité" et amélioration du suivi visuel des indicateurs.
    - Etat des lieux de l'usine sur l'utilisation d'Haïda (Homogénéisation de l'Archivage et de l'Impression des Données d'Automatisme)
    - Suivi de la mise en place des indicateurs "fiabilité équipements"

    Rueil Malmaison 2009 - 2012 The Metz plant produces manual and automatic transmissions for the automotive manufacturer, Peugeot and Citröen
    Assistant to Department Energy Leader
    Accountability for the Energy Management development plan, providing assessment and management for overall facility efficiency

    Key Responsibilities

    * Continuous Energy Management including development of a Strategic Energy Management Plan
    * Implementation and training of Production Managers with use of energy software
    * Identifying key energy consumers to optimise operations
    * Mapping the energy usage with data recorders ;
    * Review background energy consumption figure, considering energy being used when the production lines are offline
    * Development of standard shutdown and startup procedures with consideration of optimal energy use
    * Scheduling and application of energy audits, controlling which installations are turned off and which ones are not.
    * Writing specifications for the installation of centralised technical management system, allowing real time control of energy consumption units
    * Conduct study on Compressed Air system efficiency, production, distribution and leakage
    * Conduct study on Energy balance of facility, considering electricity, gas, lighting and compressed air


  • Cesi (Arras)

    Arras 2012 - 2013 Specialized Master: Energy performance and renewable energy

    * Coursework in Energy Production and Valorisation (Combustibles, Heat & Cold) ;
    * Coursework in Energy Efficiency (Industry, Building) ;
    * Coursework in Energy Management (Energy Context, Funding, Building Rules, Projects)
    * Coursework in Renewable Energy (Solar and Wind Energy, Combustibles and Network)
  • Cesi (Arras)

    Arras 2009 - 2012 Master's Degree in Engineering

    * Coursework in Science Based Engineering (Mathematics, Mechanical, Thermodynamics, Statistics and Research)
    * Coursework in Engineering Methods (Informatics, Problem solving, Decision tools, Project Management)
    * Coursework in Technical Sciences (Automatic Control, Electronics, Thermal Science)
    * Coursework in Juridical Science, Social Science, Economics.

    Bethune 2007 - 2009 Technical University Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

    * Coursework in Product Design, Material Engineering and Design Engineering ;
    * Coursework in Industrialisation (Production, Methods, Metrology, Automatic Control, Electronics and Electricity) ;
    * Coursework in Communication, Project Management

    Demonstrated skills

    * Mastery of Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Lycée Marguerite Yourcenar

    Beuvry 2004 - 2007 Baccaulauréat Scientifique



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