


En résumé

Customer Loyalty and Digital Marketing Expert

Because Digital has and is continuously changing the way customers interact with Brands, I believe that understanding customer needs and providing them with seamless and enriching experiences, has to be at the center of our Marketing strategy. Unfortunately, all too often, it is not the case.

With new technologies and new social behaviours, coming out every few months, keeping up with increasingly demanding and unforgiving customers is harder and harder and require organisational transformation and change management.

Mes compétences :
Business Analysis
Business analyst
Direct Marketing
Marketing direct
Microsoft CRM
Trade marketing
Vente à distance


  • Merck-MSD - Digital Strategy and Multi-Channel Marketing Director

    2014 - maintenant
  • Digitas China - Client Service Director

    2012 - 2014
  • BI Worldwide - Marketing Director

    2011 - 2012 • Mission: responsible for all B2C and B2B Marketing for the Award8 division
    • Management: 1 web designer, 2 marketing assistants, 1 BD manager, 1 intern
    • Responsibilities:
    - Launch and manage the Award8 website, a unique Coalition Marketing platform in China
    - Increase the number of website members and weibo followers through WOM and joint promotions
    - Build a loyalty program and web platform for the 5th biggest flight ticket retailer in China (Puhui, 15K tickets sold per day)
    - Actively and successfully support B2B sales team to build brand awareness and gain new clients
  • 3 Suisses International Shanghai - Marketing Director

    2009 - 2011 • Mission: find new prospection channels, increase customer loyalty, develop e-commerce and create a multichannel Marketing strategy
    • Target Customer: 25-35 year old Chinese women, active, urban, interested in fashion without being a fashion victim, and who like western style
    • Management: 3 teams: Offline (2 person), Online (7 person), Call Center (17 person)

    • Main Focus:
    - Increase brand awareness by developing new strategic partnerships and online buzz
    - Increase customer service satisfaction
    - Constantly improve the loyalty program and create targeted promotions
    - Bring additional sales by opening e-stores on major Chinese B2C platforms
    - Constantly improve the website to make it more user friendly
    - Develope the first Ipad application in 3Suisses worldwide
    - Create an efficient membership program in retail
  • 3 Suisses International Shanghai - Marketing Manager

    2008 - 2009 • Customer loyalty: responsible of all catalogue promotions, VIP program, OBC and SMS
    • Prospection: ensured the continuity of all established partnerships and developed new ones
    • P&L: followed and analyzed the results, updated commercial and cost part of the P&L
  • Daniel Jouvance / Groupe Yves Rocher - Sales and Marketing Analyses Manager

    Issy les Moulineaux 2006 - 2008 - Managed a team of 3 Sales and Marketing Analysts
    - Responsible of performances analyses : 35 mailings a year (to prospects / loyal / lots customers)
    - Demonstrated strong proposition skills in the creation process of future mailings, product offers and tests
    - Controlled and guaranteed the updating of results and followed the return on investment
    - Managed the selection of customers for each mailing and improved the segmentation
    - Participated in the construction of the 3-years objective and decided monthly objectives per country
    - Ensured good communication channels with all departments
  • Daniel Jouvance / Groupe Yves Rocher - Sales and Marketing Analyst

    Issy les Moulineaux 2004 - 2006 - Demonstrated strong analytical skills in the performances analysis : estimated, followed, reported results
    - Forecasted orders (mailings / telephone) and product needs
    - Followed customer databases and selected clients each month per mailing offer
    - Paricipated in the developement of the Russian activity and set-up sales and marketing analyses
  • Editions Bréal (PME de l'Edition) - Sales and Marketing Project Coordinator

    2003 - 2004 - Studied, developed and launched Direct Marketing campaigns towards the libraries
    - Reorganised and created a new POS display for Breal specialised bookshop
    - Followed-up and analyzed the activity : selling points drawing-up, sales, budget and costs analysis
    - Reduced stocks through a better management of reprints and through international sales
  • Piaget International (Groupe Richemont) - Retail and Marketing Assistant

    2001 - 2002 - Improved the CRM through mailings and the creation of promotional campaigns fot the boutiques
    - Helped in the organisation of events for the boutiques and with the merchandising and POS display
    - Coordinated for Piaget the organisation of the "Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie" in Geneva
    - Reported daily/monthly sales to the head office and realised competition studies


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