STIB - Société des Transports Intercommunaux Bruxelles
- Environmental Officer - Waste Management
2016 - maintenant
- Gérez de façon efficiente l’évacuation de tous les déchets (valorisable ou non ; solides et liquides) produits par les activités de la STIB dans l’ensemble de ses installations en conciliant le point de vue financier, les contraintes de situation, les obligations légales et le respect de l’environnement.
- Développez les procédures et outils de récolte de données
- Collaborez à la mise en œuvre du système de management environnemental de la STIB (ISO 14001).
- Gérez des marchés publics de traitement de déchets
- Développez une politique de communication et de sensibilisation du personnel et participer activement à sa mise en œuvre.
Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Chercheur
2016 - 2016
Recherche en analyse de cycle de vie et évaluation environnementale de systèmes alimentaires alternatifs.
- Design Engineer in soil remediation
2013 - 2016
Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations
- Consultant - Environmental impacts of development projects (water, soil and climat)
2013 - 2013
- Appraisal of the mitigation potential of development projects (with the EX-ACT carbon calculator)
- Impact of development projects on the water resources.
- Participation to a report on indicators of sustainable cotton production and participation to the workshop with international representatives
Université Catholique de Louvain
- Research intern (master thesis project)
2012 - 2012
Thesis subject: Effect of geomorphology on the potential soil organic carbon storage, at catchment scale.
- Research project definition, choice of the analysis methods, organization of field campaigns
- Quantification of erosion rates, carbon amounts in the soils (spectro-photometrie and calibration by complete combustion), texture analysis by physical fractionation
- Spatial analysis by GIS and initiation to statistical tools (R, FPSS)
International Water Management Institute
- Research assistant
2011 - 2011
Research assistant on the WETwin project: Sensitivity, vulnerability and trade-offs analysis with multi-criteria analysis tools.
- Application of the model to several river basins and analysis of its sensibility and possible compromises.
- Participation in the writing of a scientific article
Universidad Austral de Chile
- Research assistante in the Forest Hydrology Laboratory
2011 - 2011
Theme of research: hydro-morphological effects of large woody debris in mountain catchments.
- Literature review, organization of a data base and preparation of research reports.
- Field campaigns, collection of hydrological data
- Assistant to project
2010 - 2010
Assistant on the WETwin project. Development of a multi-criteria analysis tool, evaluating wetlands management (field work in Uganda).
- Data collection (interviews, group sessions) and conception of a framework for evaluation of management options
- Participation in an international project and presentation of results at the annual seminar.