


En résumé

As a Sales & Operation Manager I help companies creating value. Executive who studied Engineering and Management, I love taking on new challenges that stretch my imagination. Hard-worker and meticulous I like getting things done. My curiosity and openness have taken me accross 5 continents and 32 countries. I am currently seeking a position in Copenhagen to join my wife.
Key Words: Head of Operations, Sales Excellence, Entrepreneurship, Management
Key Strengths: Fast learner, Ability to Work with Cross-Functional Teams, Multitasking

Mes compétences :
Office 2010
Microsoft Visio
Microsoft project
Business Analytics
Développement commercial
Marketing stratégique
Customer Relationship Management
Quality Management Systems
Business Dev.
Corporate Recovery
Due Diligence
Risk Analysis
Risk Management
Internet of Things
ISO 900X Standard
Microsoft Office
Visual Basic for Applications


  • Saint-gobain - Co-Founder - Head of Operation - KANDU

    Courbevoie 2017 - 2019 Co-founder of a Start-Up developing the first IoT service of the group: "Helping customers to create pleasant and efficient workspaces''. Kandu is a comprehensive service from diagnostic to installation.
    in charge of Sales, Industrialization & Scaling, Marketing & Customer Success
    E.g.: Recruited and managed 7 people (50% of our staff) - 6 executives and 1 admin
    E.g.: Defined business model / value proposition, closed first business deals
    E.g.: Set up organizational processes & implemented CRM
    E.g.: Defined communication strategy and dealt with external PR agency as Brand ambassador
    E.g.: Defined customer journey workflow
  • ConquerYourDay - Sport Leader & coach

    2016 - 2019 Associative involvement:
    ConquerYourDay association, Free Bootcamps. -------
    3 years Coordinated the organization of weekly free bootcamps in the center of Paris with 100+ participants
  • Saint-gobain - Business Developer - ECOPHON

    Courbevoie 2015 - 2016 In charge of developing a portfolio with direct & complex projects' sales
    E.g.: Developed portfolio from 80 to 160 projects & from 2M to 7M EUR .
    E.g.: Secured prescriptions throughout the entire construction phases (from 6months to 5 years)
    E.g.: Dealt with top architects companies: OMA, Renzo Piano, Wilmotte and customers: Orange, Station F
    E.g.: Side mission: Designing tools to help the French sales team to be more efficient (portfolio analyses, etc.)
  • Saint-gobain - Inside Management Consultant - GYPROC

    Courbevoie 2013 - 2015 in charge of helping the Gypsum Activity CEO (8b EUR & 40k employees) developing a Worldwide Sales Excellence Program and other punctual missions - Traveling and working with countries top Managers.
    E.g.: Helped countries (16: USA, UK...) transforming their S&M strategies into workable country-specific plans
    E.g.: Structured and Developed Business & Location Intelligence
    E.g.: Conducted Worldwide Market Studies (bottom-up & top-down) for some activity verticals
    E.g.: Provided Trainings (Pricing & Coaching) for Sales & Marketing Managers
    E.g.: Coordinated a 10M EUR contract with Zara headquarter at an European Level
  • GOOD MOOV - Co-Founder

    2012 - 2013 in charge of the business part of the Start-Up. The idea: raising money to charity while providing customers interesting discounts.
    E.g.: Built the Business Model & Business Plan
    E.g.: Concluded the first round of fundraising (150k EUR )
    E.g.: Had been selected to join the HEC Incubateur / and granted in the "Mercure HEC''
  • Vinci Construction France - Site Manager

    Nanterre Cedex 2011 - 2011 in charge of assisting the Site Director for a 23M EUR Veolia construction.
    E.g.: Supervised the 40 in-house workers and 10 sub-contractors
    E.g.: Developed a cost optimization tool for foundation & walls
  • Ministère du développement durable - Consultant

    Paris 2010 - 2011 Réalisation d’une étude de faisabilité de puits canadien
    Création d'un logiciel de modélisation financière et thermique.
  • Junior Etp - Head of Quality

    Cachan 2010 - 2011 1 year Coordinated the organization of weekly free bootcamps in the center of Paris with 100+ participants
    E.g.: Created / improved existing processes (HR, Sales, Customer Journey)
    E.g.: Set up of a Quality Management Systems (QMS) leading to an ISO 9001 granted certification


  • HEC

    Jouy En Josas 2012 - 2013 Master of Science - Entrepreneurship

    Business Plan, Due Diligence, Growth Hacking, Strategy, Corporate Recovery.
  • UNI. OF BIRMINGHAM (Birmingham)

    Birmingham 2011 - 2012 Master of Science

    Construction Management, Engineering Production and Risk Management, Financial decision-making.
  • ESTP

    Paris 2009 - 2011 Project Management, Building Mechanics & Design

    ESTP - Best French Civil Engineering School - Top 5 out of 210 students
    Sustainable Development, Risk Analysis.


Annuaire des membres :