- Responsable des systèmes d'information
2018 - maintenant
Gestion de projets: suivi des développements sous traités de notre ERP ainsi que nos deux sites web. Projets développés en mode agile Scrum
Développement JAVA JEE: développement de nouvelles fonctionnalités sur nos différentes plateformes (web, ERP, portail)
Environnement: Scrum, agile, Java JEE, tomcat, javascript, CSS/less, MySql, Java Server Faces
- Scrum master
La Défense
2017 - 2017
Scrum master sur un projet impliquant 3 équipes scrum (25 personnes). Développement d'un plateforme web permettant la distribution centralisée de toute l'offre SNCF (TGV, OUIGO, TER, Taxi...). Cette plateforme étant, à terme la nouvelle plateforme unique pour tous les canaux de distribution (web, mobile, agence de voyages). Environment: java EE, Spring, Jenkins, jira, GIT, Sonar, continuous integration
Altran connected solutions
- Scrum master / Internet Of Things java EE development engineer
2015 - 2017
Iot server platform development (ETSI oneM2M compliant)
- scrum master of an experimented java development team
. Java 8 code and unit tests developer
. ETSI oneM2M spécifications
Environment: eclipse, java EE, angular JS, wildfly/jboss server, jenkins, jira, ETSI , iot, oneM2m, sonar, GIT, Coap, docker, openshift paas
Altran connected solutions
- Scrum master - software architect
2014 - 2015
Scrum Master
Agile mutation leader
Leading a multi-skill team (architecture, dévelopment, unitary , pre-integration tests and system tests)
Product owner day by day report and exchanges
International environment- working with almost 10 scrums teams located in germany, USA and china
Software architect/software developer (C/C++)
4G and 4G+
feature design (handover management, Carrier aggregation…)
Main skills:
Agile, scrum - C/C++ - Linux - Clearcase - DCT - Jenkins -Eclipse
Alcatel Lucent
- LTE eNodeB - Scrum Master - Layer 3 C++ development engineer
2008 - 2014
Scrum Master
Agile mutation leader
Leading a multi-skill team (architecture, dévelopment, unitary , pre-integration tests and system tests)
Product owner day by day report and exchanges
International environment- working with almost 10 scrums teams located in germany, USA and china
Software architect/software developer (C/C++)
4G and 4G+
feature design (handover management, Carrier aggregation…)
Main skills:
Agile, scrum - C/C++ - Linux - Clearcase - DCT - Jenkins -Eclipse
Sagem Communication
- C/C++ development engineer - Mobile User Interface
2004 - 2007
C/C++ development engineer - 2G/3G mobile devices
New features and UI interface evolutions design
Spécifications, conception, coding, unitary testing
Off-shore development management
Spécifications writing
Team coahing
Zodiac Aerospace
- Development engineer
2003 - 2004
Développement de drivers sur cible DSP
ABB - Oslo (Norvège)
- Stagiaire - ingénieur developement
2002 - 2002
Conception, implémentation et test sur FPGA d'un corrélateur de signaux