


En résumé


I'm Nicolas, a experimental psychologist.

After my Engineer formation in project management, innovation and teamworking I decided to follow my motivation for the psychology and human behavior. My goal was to be a researcher specialized in brain and cognition this is why i begin a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology in 2010 and obtained my Ph.D in decembre 2013.

My research thematics concerns emotional and attentionnal processes, and the detection of emotional states using electrophysiological signals ( brain signals, skin conductance, Heart rate...) by a computer.

My hobbies are moutainbike, video games, music, and my family.


  • Ubisoft Entertainment - User research - Biometry specialist

    Rennes 2014 - maintenant I'm in charge of playtest which used biometry approach as eye-tracking, electrodermal activity... to understand well behaviors of video-game players to improve usability, ergonomy of games and players satisfaction.
  • LPNC - UPMF - CNRS - Researcher in cognitive psychology and neurosciences

    2010 - 2014 Ph.D Research Topic : « Vulnerability from emotional processing : case of healthy aging. » (Graduate in Decembre 2013)

    Comprehension of the positivty effect on emotional processes in aging using psychological paradigm in EEG and analyses of the brain signals.

    Keywords: EEG, Emotion, Attention, Vision, Classification algorythm, Matlab, Aging, Natural Scenes, Contextual effect

    Liste des publications

    Mathieu, N.G., Gentaz, E., Harquel, S., Vercueil, L., Bonnet, S., Chauvin, A., Campagne, A. (2014) Brain processing of emotional scenes with age : Effect of arousal context. Plos One (Accepted)

    Mathieu, N.G., Campagne, A., Gentaz, E., Guillemaud, R., Ida, M, Bonnet, S., (2013) Single-trial ERP classification of emotional processing. Single-trial ERP classification of emotional processing.

    Mathieu, N., Roy, R., Campagne, A. & Bonnet, S. (2012). Interfaces cerveau-machine passives : apports mutuels entre neurosciences cognitives et ingénierie. Journée du Pôle Grenoble Cognition, mai 2012.

    Mathieu, N.G., Gentaz, E., Harquel, N., Campagne, A.,(2013). Effect of the context and tasks goal on the positivity effect in aging. International Society of Emotion Research meeting 2nd-6th August, Berkeley, CA,USA, 2013

    Mathieu, N. G., Harquel, S., Vercueil, L., Bonnet, S., Gentaz, E., Campagne, A. (2013) Brain processing of emotional scenes with age : Effect of arousal and affective context. 11e colloque de la Société des neurosciences, 21-24 Mai. Lyon, France

    Campagne, A., Mathieu, N., Fradcourt,B. (2011). Effects of cognitive appraisal and action modality or emotional processing of information : an ERP study in video game players. A Supplement of the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2011 Annual meeting program, p 118.
  • ENSGSI - Etudiant de l'ENSGSI(Nancy)

    2003 - 2008 Projets industriels réalisés durant mes 3 année dernières d'étude àl'ENSGSI (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Génies en Système Industriels).

    2006-2007 : EDF - Projet innovation en groupe de 4 personnes
    Attaché à la conception d’une plateforme numérique de collaboration et d’aide à l’innovation au sein du service R&D d’EDF Clamart

    2005-2006 : SNCF - Projet organisationnel en groupe de 4 personnes
    Attaché à l’élaboration et à la mise en place de consignes d’entretien au sein d’un bâtiment administratif SNCF

    Juillet 2005 : Est Mécanique - Opérateur sur machine-outil

    2004-2005 : Projet industriel ENSGSI en groupe de 4 personnes
    Attaché Marketing et Commercial pour l’élaboration d’un hameçon transparent pour la pêche à la ligne de loisirs



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