Mathieu ROCHAT - Born in Paris France summer 1967
France 1987 - 1992
Bonnier Publishing France
First job held in the International Corporate environment at Bonnier Publishing France as the editor assistant. A few months later promoted to advertising Director.
USA 1993 - 1998
Kawashima Network
Top executive position held in the Kawashima Network a Japanese Conglomerate; as the United States Operations General Manager with the mission to maintain ongoing relationship between Majors, Networks, and Collaborators such as Delta Airline, Coca-Cola, CNN Ted Turner, the American Clubs Association, the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Committee, Former UN Ambassador Andrew Young, and worldwide sport figure Mohamed Ali.
USA 1998 - 2004
Currency Express Inc.
Ground up buiding of Currency Express Inc. First private label ATM card issuer targeting low wages employees. Initially launched in the State of California as other States joined though a strategic partnership with a nation wide payroll company network.
Brazil 2003 - 2006
Pioneer in providing Brazilian residents with VoIP services and assistance for individuals and wholesales companies in the Brazilian telecommunication Market.
France/Brazil 2006 - 2010
A live streaming company specialized in press videoconferences over the Internet. Press videoconferences allow journalists to simply attempt a National or an International press conferences online without leaving their offices or their respective countries of residence. Since early 2007 the company provided streaming services to prestigious peoples and organizations such as:
United-Nations under Secretary General, Mr. Jean-Marie GUEHENNO
The President of the African Parliament 2007
The Developer in Chief of the African Bank of Development
The Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union
The United-Nation Special Reporter on contemporary forms of racisms
The African Director of the United-Nations for the development (PNUD)
The United-Nation speaker for the Bureau of Humanitarian Affairs in Tchad
The African Bureau of the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
The United-Nations Official Representative for childs (UNICEF) in Tchad
Mr. Stefano MANSERVISI the Director General for the DEC 2009
Mr. Gregory Hart for the World Health Organization (WHO) on H1N1
The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation ACP-EU (CTA)
The Press Club of France with David Pujadas of France2 Paris 2010
The French Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in San Paulo and Rio de Janeiro 2011
EU. Commission Européenne de l'énergie 2010
L'Agence de développement économique de Vichy Val d'Allier 2011
Jean-Luc Mélenchon Face au Press Club - Présidentielle 2012
Christine Boutin Face au Press Club - Présidentielle 2012
Dominique de Villepin Face au Press Club - Présidentielle 2012
Marine Le Pen Face au Press Club - Présidentielle 2012
Current activities:
Digital Content Producer ( ).
2014 – Creation of a multi-media production pipeline for digital content.
Productions and realizations:
Volta Cazuza Brazil 2013 - 2014
Oum Kalthoum - Holographic Show Tribute - 2014
Interactive theme park mascot in hologram - 2014
Mes compétences :