


En résumé

Ingénieur agroalimentaire, je suis passionnée par le cacao et le chocolat.

J'ai déjà 4 expériences en chocolaterie
- Belcolade (3 années en tant que spécialiste application / R&D)
- Barry Callebaut (stage R&D)
- CINAGRA (stage Qualité et R&D dans une chocolaterie malgache transfomant les fèves locales)
- Révillon Chocolatier (stage Qualité)

Forte de ces différentes expériences qui m'ont permis de connaître davantage le produit mais également de développer des compétences comme le management de projet, le travail en équipe... , je souhaite continuer à travailler dans l'univers du sucré, que ce soit en R&D, en analyse sensorielle, ou tout poste en lien direct avec le chocolat ou l'univers sucré.

Mes compétences :
Analyse sensorielle
Gestion de projet


  • Belcolade (Puratos) - Applied R&D Supervisor

    2011 - maintenant
  • Barry Callebaut - Food technologist junior

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Internship in the R&D Department of the chocolate factory BARRY CALLEBAUT, FRANCE
    • Market study of Water Based Fillings; skills required : Identification of Water Based Filling Products
    • Presentation of the study to the Commercial Department -> skills required : Communication
    • Setting up procedures to make samples in laboratory pilot -> analytical and problem solving skills
    • Development of new chocolate compounds to answer customer needs
    • Improvement of an aerated chocolate filling thanks to a mixture design -> experimental design
    • Panel member : both descriptive and preference tests on chocolate and chocolate compounds
  • CINAGRA (chocolate factory in Madagascar) - Internship in the Quality and R&D department

    2008 - 2009 Quality missions in a new, two-year-old factory; development of new chocolate products
    • Quality audit, hygiene and food safety assessment and personal training -> skills required: Adaptation to the workplace, critical assessment, summaries, teaching methods, open-mindedness.
    • Setting up the HACCP (establish an HACCP team, conduct meetings, elaborate paperwork) -> skills required : leadership, organisation
    • Development of new products -> skills: dealing with economic and technical constraints.
  • Revillon Chocolatier (chocolate factory in France) - Internship in the Quality department

    2006 - 2007 • Elaborate tools to improve visual quality of chocolate confectioneries -> work with operators
    • Audit of the “Ganache” workroom -> Analysis of observations, self-sufficiency.


  • Georgia State University Department of Computer Science (Atlanta)

    Atlanta 2007 - 2008 English - Spanish- Mathematics - Statistiques - Nutrition - Psychology - Religions

    I attended GSU 2 semesters.
    I did not graduate but I passed all the classes that I attended.
    I studied English composition, speech,religions or psychology and few classes related to my studies in France (statistics, nutrition).
  • Agrocampus Rennes (Rennes)

    Rennes 2004 - 2010 Food and Sciences and Technology - Specialization in Statistics
  • Lycée Maurice Genevoix

    Bressuire 2001 - 2004 Sciences (specialization in Mathematics)
Annuaire des membres :