
Matthieu BELLION


En résumé

18 years of industrial experience in operational & organizational improvements.
Since 7+ years at Albéa, act as the Group Master Black Belt in Lean Six Sigma.
As a member of the Corporate Performance Improvement (PI) team, intensive contribution to the deployment of PI transformations (Lean Six Sigma) to reduce Industrial costs, improve Cash & leverage the Company's EBITDA.


  • Albea Group - LSS Master Black Belt

    Gennevilliers 2008 - maintenant Business objectives & achievements:
    Contribute to leverage Plants EBITDA & Cash improvement through the deployment of Performance Improvement (PI) transformations (world-wide Industrial costs reduction program).
    2010-15 YTD cumulated contribution & achievement to industrial costs reduction for the plants under direct drive & support (P&L impact, validated by HQ Finance): $24.13M

    Main business activities:
    a) Operational expertise in business transformation brought to the CI Cluster, Plant & General Managers:

    b) Concrete contribution to the execution of the Synergy Plan defined by the ExCom to reach the 4-Year Plan of the Group

    c) Commitment to the deployment of the PI Policy of the Group & its PI House objectives:

    Main geographical scope of intervention:
    Asia (China, Indonesia) South America (Brazil) Europe (France, Italy), North America (US, Mexico)
  • Thales - Lean Manager

    Courbevoie 2005 - 2008 Lean deployment within the Land & Joint Division of Thales (design of the program with McKinsey & Co)
  • PROCONSEIL - Consultant

    PARIS 2004 - 2005 Consultant in Industrial Organization, LeanManufacturing & Continuous Improvement
  • KPMG - Consultant

    Courbevoie 2001 - 2004 Consultant, “Industry” Practice
  • Deloitte Consulting LLP - Consultant

    1998 - 2001 Consultant, “Manufacturing” Practice


  • Mines Paristech

    Paris 2012 - 2014 Certified LSS Master Black Belt

    Co-certification: MINES ParisTech - Ecole des mines de Paris / Université Lean 6 Sigma (Licence 303/2014)
  • George Group - George Group Curriculum (Chicago)

    Chicago 2011 - 2014 Certified LSS Master Black Belt

    Certified in Lean Six Sigma at Alcan INC / George Group Curriculum
  • George Group - George Group Curriculum (Chicago)

    Chicago 2008 - 2009 Certified LSS Black Belt

    Certified in Lean Six Sigma at Alcan INC / George Group Curriculum
  • APICS The Association For Operations Management

    Nanterre 2005 - 2006 Certified in Integrated Resource Management (CIRM)
  • APICS The Association For Operations Management

    Nanterre 2002 - 2003 Certified in Production & Inventory Management (CPIM)


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