
Matthieu BOREL


En résumé

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  • Groupe Astek - Directeur général

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2013 - maintenant
  • ALTEN - Directeur des Projets du secteur Aero-Spatial-Defense

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2010 - 2013 Definition of ALTEN organisation aiming at managing service and fixed price project for Aeronautical Space and Defense sector.
    Management of ALTEN’s services and fixed price projects : Management of Call For Tender phases, quotation, and management of projects (Cost, schedule, Quality),
    Definition of company technical strategy; required skills identification; training needs definition,
    Harmonization and industrialization of methods on various ALTEN’s sites (France, Germany, UK, Spain),
    Offshore solutions set up (India, Vietnam),
    CMMI deployment.
  • Thales Avionics - Head of Department: System Architecture, platform and Network-Product ligne manager platform

    Courbevoie 2008 - 2010 System engineering activity management: system architecture, IMA Platform, AFDX Network, open world systems, air-ground communication systems and centralized maintenance systems.
    System engineering project management to ensure consistency of avionics suites solutions with respect to program constraints (cost, delay) for programs ATR600, SSJ100, S76, FSTA.
    Strategy definition for platform and network domain: Identification of required skills and strategic partnerships – Study plan definition, business plan and offer definition.
    Technical marketing for communication, platform and network solutions.


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Annuaire des membres :