I am a final year PHD student at Siemens Mobility and the Industrial Engineering laboratory of Ecole Centrale Paris. I am working on a Model-Based Language for systems engineering and safety analysis of railway CBTC systems. I am responsible for the development of theoretic methodologies and their application to the TGMT CBTC solution of Siemens. In the same context, I am also interested in requirements engineering and test analysis.
During the first two years of my PHD, I had the chance to communicate around my works in several international and national conferences through publications.
I am also a teaching assistant at Ecole Centrale Paris in the 'Complex Systems Engineering Course'
The PHD is an excellent way to learn how to handle and manage a research project from the 'idea' phase to is implementation and application to real case studies.
In order to improve my management skills, I am actually preparing a CiM (Cycle in International Management) certificate at Ecole des ponts Business School.
I also hold a Msc degree in the design and management of complex information systems from Ecole Centrale Paris/École Polytechnique in France, and a computer science degree from Ecole Superieure d'Informatique in Algiers.
My profile summarizes all my experiences and education ...
Mes compétences :
team build- ing
safety analysis
Python Programming
Project Management
Personal Home Page
Microsoft C-SHARP
International Management
C Programming Language
Ingénierie système
Fiabilité, Maintenance, Disponibilité, Sûreté de f