Fasonut (Baxter)
- Superviseur assurance stérilité
2015 - maintenant
Lycée Georges Frêche
- Teacher in Biotechnology
2014 - 2015
- methods and regulations of food quality and environments controls
- hygiene (HACCP plan)
- equipment
- nutrition
- industrial and traditional processes
FNRS, Laboratoire de Protéomie et de microbiologie, Université de Mons
- Resarch scientist
2012 - 2014
1) Project management : Effect of global warming in marine ecoystems (metaproteogenomic approach)
2) Methodological development :
- Extraction et identification of coral proteins (LC-MS/MS)
- DNA extraction of microorganisms associated to corals
- metagenomic approach (16rRNA gene by pyrosequencing and shotgun sequencing by Illumina)
3) Work in multidisciplinary team
Laboratoire CNRS UMR 6143 M2C ( http://w3.unicaen.fr/m2c/), Université de Rouen
- Resarch scientist
2011 - 2012
1) Project management : Identification of microorganisms associated to particles and sediments in coastal zone of the Arctic and the Seine Estuary
2) methodological development : FISH and confocal microscopy, 16S rRNA pyrosequencing
3) Participation in research programs in GIP Seine-Aval (FLUMES, COBAC) and IPEV (Spitzbay)
4) Work in multidisciplinary team
Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls sur Mer, laboratoire CNRS LOMIC UMR 7621
- Research assistant
2007 - 2010
Response of marine bacterial community to differnents nutrients sources : link between diversity and activity
Methods :
- cloning /sequencing, fingerprinting methods
- design of oligonucleotidic probes
Research program : Lyfe/Cyber MEDEA and ANR DUNE program
Development and Project Management
5 publications ( 3 first author), Oral presentation in international conferences
Writing Reports Summary
Design and development of strategies for sampling
Work in multidisciplinary team
Station marine de Wimereux
- Research Intersnhip
2007 - 2007
1) Temporal changes of the bacterial population in the Eastern English Channel during a phytoplankton bloom
2) Literature monitoring, taxonomic identification by FISH method
Laboratoire CNRS ISEM UMR 5554, Laboratoire Ecosym UMR 5119, Université Montpellier 2
- Research Internship
2006 - 2006
1) Study of relation between diversity and function in marine bacterial communities
2) Technical aspects : bacterial culture, PCR, fingerprinting methods
3) General Ecology Concept
Station marine de Wimereux
- Research Internship
2006 - 2006
1) Identification of Crustacae and Polychaetes in Seine Estuary
2) Literature monitoring,taxonomic identification, statistical processing, cartography