
Mickaël VIEIRA


En résumé

I am looking for a company where I can contribute my skills and experience to help the organisation achieve its technical goals and objectives. I am passionate about bringing software solutions to the company, the team and the customers. I am open-minded and work well in a team and autonomously. I am comfortable with taking on new challenges and I can work with a wide range of applications.

Mes compétences :
Développeur Web
Zend framework


  • School Explained - Full Stack Developer

    2015 - 2015 I developed several reports with React.js to display different projections of a large set of data provided by the assessment application Learning Ladders. Those reports allow teachers to process and filter the pupils’ scores but also highlight the children’s progression throughout the years.

    I was responsible to help the company modernize the general workflow on both the front end and the back end by introducing techniques such as unit testing and build automation.

    I improved the maintainability and scalability of the software by converting the existing multiple instances application into a multi-tenant application. I successfully migrated the codebase from an outdated PHP framework to a Symfony-like application without interrupting the business. Those various changes allow the technical team to deploy the software easily and more frequently.

    I also conducted interviews for hiring new team members.
  • Think Finance - Full Stack Developer

    2014 - 2015 Elevate, formerly Think Finance, is a consumer finance company providing loans to their customers through the leading and innovative web application Sunny.

    As the regulation had evolved and allowed credit companies to sell a new financial product from the 1st of January 2015, I joined Elevate Credit International to strengthen the team and help them become the UK's first credit organisation that provides the new product to their customers.

    My role was to apply my knowledge and experience of Zend Framework and help the company achieve its technical objective. I improved the customer account in order to comply with the new financial product and I also created a secure module to manage members' permissions in the application.
  • IntuDigital - Front/Back End Developer

    2013 - 2014 I was involved in the development of the first phase of a CMS based on Zend Framework 2.

    I developed a customer/retailer messaging based on the Magento platform to enhance the customer relationship.

    I built an API based on Symfony 2 in order to abstract the interactions between the website and Magento such as the basket and customer account management.

    I also developed an application based on Symfony 2 and Redis which is in charge to synchronise the Magento's catalogue and Elasticsearch.

    I also conducted interviews for hiring new team members (front end and back end developers).

    Technologies: PHP 5.5, Nginx, Varnish, MySQL, Symfony 2, Doctrine 2, Zend Framework 2, Magento, Redis, Elasticsearch, Behat, PHPSpec, PHPUnit, jQuery, RequireJS, Backbone, Modernizr, Grunt, Bower, Git, npm, Mercurial.
  • Story worldwide - Web developer

    2012 - 2013 Story Worldwide (recently acquired by Aesop) is an advertising company that provides digital strategies in order to help brands to connect to their consumers.

    I joined the company as a front-end developer however, due to my extensive skills, I was working as a full stack developer. My role within the agency was also to provide support to the creative team by bringing my expertise in web technologies.

    I developed a Javascript web application, involving third party APIs such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to promote Westfield Shopping Centres. The creative competition between both London's malls had attracted people's attention and increased the brand's visibility.

    I also developed a Facebook application to promote the Italian photographic equipment maker Manfrotto in order to build the brand recognition. The digital campaign was part of a global communication strategy and helped Manfrotto gain notoriety in the United Kingdom.
  • Netdesign - Développeur Web

    2009 - 2012 In the developers team, I took charge of projects from initial brief to final production. I developed many websites based on PHP/MySQL for the back-end and HTML/CSS/Javascript for the front-end. I've got experience in developing a diverse range of multi-lingual web applications.

    I was in charge of implementing a multi-store Magento application, including daily inventory synchronisation features. I acquired a real expertise in the configuration, administration and development of modules on the Magento platform.

    I worked on web sites and Intranet applications for one of the best know French kitchen designers. I developed a SOAP webservice connector in order to improve Customer Relationship Management. I developed a store locator application based on Google Map.

    I also designed and programmed a RESTFul webservice in order to connect the billing management application with a payment interface on our customer website.

    I was involved in the development of a Content Management System based on Zend Framework 1 and Prototype JS.

    I also conducted interviews for hiring new team members.

    Technologies: Apache, Linux, PHP5.3, Zend Framework 1, Magento, Flash AS3, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, XML, JSON. jQuery, Prototype, GoogleMap API, Subversion.
  • Nouveau Monde DDB - Développeur Web

    Paris 2007 - 2008 As part of DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc., one of the world's largest advertising holding companies, DDB Nouveau Monde develops international marketing strategies and creates worldwide communication campaigns.

    I joined the agency as a Flash developer. I was developing interactive games and websites based on the Adobe Flash platform to promote tourist brands across European Market.

    The agency outsourced the development of larger projects in Vietnam and I was in charge of supervising the remote team from a technical perspective.
  • Mickael-vieira.fr - Développeur Web Freelance

    2005 - maintenant



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