


En résumé

With around 7 years experience in copywriting for French advertising agencies I'm freelancing in Copenhagen mainly for French advertising agencies and clients, and a few Danish and English clients.

Thanks to a solid background in advertising, communication and event as well as experiences in PR, networking and social media, I’ve become a multidisciplinary project manager in communications.

Portfolio : http://www.nicolasbonvalet.com

// Professionally:
Copy-writing in French, Creative Concept Development in Advertising, Communications Strategy (360°), Project manager, Transcreation & Adaptation (English Ads > French market), Social Media & Social Networking, Branding, Art Direction, Event Management (Yearly festival)

// Personally:
Original Thinker, Intellectually Curious, Honest, Eye for Details, Structured, Determined to Succeed, Social Networking, Keeping Things Simple, Fresh Ideas, Outgoing, Polyvalent, Entrepreneur, Flexible and Used to Work in Stressful Situations.

// Bonus:
- Experience and skills in managing teams (2 to 5 people)
- Podio user and experienced in creating an iPhone App
- Web-savvy
- Talented in photography

Mes compétences :
Concept Development
Marketing strategy
Event Management
Social Media
Detail oriented


  • ATLANTIC LINK, Scandinavia - Communications Consultant

    2013 - 2014 PR agency for the Scandinavian market. In charge of designing and broadcasting the content online (digital communication) and offline (print material) for 800 journalists in Scandinavia: client local websites/landing pages, social networks, ad banners, newsletters (MailChimp), press room for journalists, etc. — On behalf of international clients such as California, Silversea Cruises, Kimpton Hotels, Oregon, Perù, etc.
  • French Art Day - Marketing & Communications Coordinator

    2011 - maintenant As co-organiser and Marketing and Communications Coordinator, my main mission was to promote and build an event from scratch - without funding. A stimulating and exciting challenge! My duties:

    - Positionning & Communication strategy (concept, media plan, press kit,...)
    - Increase the notoriety of the event by playing an active role in social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogs)
    - Press/public relation
    - Networking
    - Designing external communications directives (website, e-mailing, poster, flyers, etc)

    More info: frenchartday.com
  • Nouveau Monde DDB - Conceptual Copywriter

    Paris 2007 - 2009 Creating, writing and overseeing production of adverts for various companies: Royal Air Maroc, Julbo (sunglasses), Bricoman (Hardware), Monsieur Store, Grandeur Nature, Ministery of Egypt Tourism (Promotion of travel destinations in the world), the region of Bourgogne and France-Comté.
  • Nicolas Bonvalet - Freelance Conceptual Copywriter

    2006 - maintenant /// Conception of advertising campains for many brands and advertising agencies including creative routes, copywriting, lay-out and presentation. Here you will find a few clients:

    . MP2 (Low-Cost Airport, Marseille, France) & KP1 (leader in building systems in France) for Cyrano agency.


    . NATURAL CAFFE (Coffee Bar, Brussels), CAHIERS MARSEILLAIS (magazine, France), CATTIER Cosmetics Denmark and so on in direct contact with the Director of the communication / CEO.


    /// TRANSCREATOR for transcreation service agencies like worldwriters.com. I adapt English/American advertising content (ads and video subtitles, commercial texts, banners, websites, press, creative routes presentation, etc.) for the French markets. My main clients are: NIKE, DELL, EA GAMES, CARLSBERG, FOOT LOCKER, FULTILTPOKER.COM, etc
  • Debonneville Orlandini, Paris - Junior Copywriter

    2004 - 2004 Freelance for the pitch of EasyJet (one month)
  • PUBLICIS - Conceptual Copywriter

    Paris 2004 - 2006 Creating, writing and overseeing production of adverts for various companies: ALICE (Telecom Italia), DDP (Pastis Henri Bardouin, Bau des Melons), Euromed Marseille (Management School), Foire Internationale de Marseille, Renault, Mutoptic, MGM (Mutuelle Générale de la Méditerranée) and the "Salon Nautique de Marseille".
  • CLM/BBDO, Paris - Junior Copywriter

    2004 - 2004 January 2004 — April 2004 (4 months). Junior Copywriter for the brands Wanadoo, Ikea, Foot Locker, X-Cite, Pepsi and Freedent (Trainee)
  • Saatchi & Saatchi, Paris - Junior Copywriter

    2002 - 2002 May 2002 — October 2002 (6 months). Junior copywriter for the brands Toyota, Kinder Surprise, Ritter Sport, Sony, Pastis 51, Eukanuba and Reporters Sans Frontières (Trainee)
  • EURO RSCG Passerelles, Paris - Press Assistant

    2002 - 2002 March 2002 — April 2002 (2 months). Press assistant for the accounts Bouygues télécoms, Tiscali and Maximiles (Training period).
  • Bonnewijn, Renwart Cie s.a., Brussels - Junior Trader

    1999 - 1999 July 1999 — August 1999 (2 month). Junior trader on the french, swiss and belgium market (Training period).


  • ISCOM (Paris)

    Paris 2000 - 2002 ISCOM (Superior Institute of Communications and Advertising), Paris

    Event, Public Relation, Marketing and Advertising

    Objectives: learn to define, control, develop and support the images of brands regarding companies, man or products. The general program concerns all the aspects of communications on the more classic media (TV, print, radio, Internet).
  • Université Aix Marseille 2 Mediterranée IUT TC

    Aix En Provence 1998 - 2000 Techniques de commercialisation

    DUT, Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie en Techniques de Commercialisation

    A two year degree in Business/Management
    Subjects: Marketing, advertising, sale, economy, management, commercial low, English and Spanish.
  • Lycée Paul Cezanne

    Aix En Provence 1997 - 1998


Annuaire des membres :