After studied for 4 years in Plastic industry between 1995 and 1999, I naturally started up my professionnal carreer in this activity sector.
In March 2000, I had a motorbike accident on my way to work and got badly injured my right wirst , which left me handicaped. I had to think about my retraining and decided to add to my technical background a commercial side.
As an open-mind and easy person this decision was obvious.
So between March 2000 and July 2003 I was graduated in Business & Marketing, my life was a mix of surgery, rehab, and studies.
My retraining success is today my best achievement.
Attracted by English language, I ran between 2003 and 2004 little jobs while searching for internships abroad. My handicap has been a bareer and failed.
July 2004, I got the opportunity to join the Descours and Cabaud group based in Lyon as a commercial assistant and evolved in for 4 years in different departments.
Fall 2008, I’ve been hired by company Eynard Robin to join the sales department and also work for export.
This is where I learnt the most. Eynard Robin helped me to raise, feel more confident and enhance my skills.
Early 2012, I decided to start up a retrain to make my passion for bicycle my work.
After a formation I found a job until the end of the season in a famous bike shop in Lyon named Loisirs VTT.
Versatility is the main word to define this job. And it is a great school. I have to deal with everything to satisfy customers.
The shop location is also helpful to see many people from all around the world and I have the possibility to train my English as a sales/mechanics.
After this experience in an independent bicycle shop I had the opportunity to join Decathlon with a 3 month contract until the end of the year 2012.
The work was pretty much the same as in Loisirs VTT but customers were completely different and MTB equipment too.
Anyway it was a good experience.
Summer 2013 following a long period of unemployment, I decided to make a break with my project. The economic situation didn't help to finance it.
In September 2013 I got the chance to Join Swagelok Lyon. Back with my first love the "INDUSTRY" with a position of Sales/Technician.
Specialized in Valves and Fittings Swagelok is a worlwide leader in its field .
Really satisfied, I took the right decision. The work is interesting and I learn new things everyday.
In April 2015, a new project poped up in my life. The company SOCVALVES in Villefranche/Saône. Small valves trading company which mainly works with engineerings. There I learnt to work, with precision and rigor. It was a tough period and unfortunately didn't last long. It was just too early for me, then I decided to quit after 6 months. But still today I work the way I learnt, thanks Mr SOCCARD.
March 2016, I've been hired by TECOFI, a Lyon based company since 1985 working mainly in water industrie. As an inside sales technicians for French department I sold for 2 years 1/2 all kinds of valves (Butterfly, Knife Gate Valves, Globe, Gates, Penstocks sizing AUMA ,Bernard or Valpes Actuators). Such a great experience. I love that company and its people. I'll miss them.
Since August 2018, I work for FASEK Gmbh as an expatriate in Zagreb Croatia. In charge of the french speaking territories my mission is to develop these markets and follow up current project. Future will tells me.......
Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word - Excel
Microsoft Word Excel
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word