


En résumé

Please find my profile up-to-date here:


Actively looking for new opportunities and job vacancy in a satellite manufacturing company

Available on negotiable notice

Mes compétences :
Airbus A380 Aircraft
Visual Basic for Applications
Microsoft Office
Configuration Management
Airbus A350 Aircraft
Airbus A340 Aircraft
Airbus A330 Aircraft
Airbus A320 Aircraft


  • Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (C.N.E.S.) - Spacecraft Facilities Manager

    Paris 2012 - maintenant During the overall campaign, the Spacecraft Facilities Manager :
    - Provides all the logistic support necessary for the spacecraft integration and filling operations
    - Manages and coordinates the Facilities operations while supervising maintenance activities
    - Steers Lean Management to continually improve the current process, methods and tools
    - Cooperates with International Satellite Operators (SES, Intelsat, Optus, Eutelsat…) and worldwide Manufacturers (Lockheed Martin, Orbital SC, SS Loral, Thales Alenia Space, Astrium, ISRO…)
  • Capgemini Technology Services / Aerospace & Defence - Business Analysis Consulting

    PARIS 17 2009 - 2012 The Change Process allows to identify and qualify a change (either requested by the manufacturer or by the customer), to confirm the impacted organizations within Airbus and its Suppliers, to investigate on its impacts (technical, industrial, and commercial), to take the decision to implement it, and to ensure that all tasks have been achieved to approve the modification for final certification.

    My mission was to define and improve the process, methods and tools regarding the change process for A350 & A380.

    The Product Lifecycle Management - PLM - is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product from its conception, through design and manufacture, to service and disposal. PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems and provides a product information backbone for companies and their extended enterprise. PLM systems help organizations in coping with the increasing complexity and engineering challenges of developing new products for the global competitive markets.

    In this field, Capgemini provides a complete area of solutions including consulting, application development and support on every stage of the business cycle from the product idea to the operational use.

    My mission was to follow the new project candidates to improve the current PLM at Airbus from the prioritization phase (Requirements analysis & business case consolidation) to their integration into the Product Lifecycle Management. I have put in place a dynamic dashboard listing all these projects in terms of requirements consolidation& budget and planning impact and integrate new KPIs for an easier daily follow-up.
  • Université de Liege - ULG Master Thesis - Distributed control of the M1 mirror of the Extremely Large Telescope

    2008 - 2009 This work adresses the development of a robust parameterized control law in order to operate the main mirror (M1) of the European Extremely Large Telescope - EELT - which is composed of 798 hexagonal mirros, in a MIMO (multi input, multi output) approach. The performed analysis and the method applied confirms the control in terms of robust stability & disturbance (wind) rejection within the specifications defined by the European Southern Observatory - ESO - which is in charge of this revolutionary new ground-based telescope concept.

    The advantages and drawbacks of this control law are highlighted on a simple test-case and their applicability for more complex and non-linear systems is assessed.

    More information available on : http://www.eso.org/sci/facilities/eelt/
  • Thales Alenia Space - SUPAERO Master Thesis - Orbital propagation optimization

    TOULOUSE 2008 - 2008 The Attitude and Orbit Control Subsystem (AOCS) provides attitude information and maintains the required spacecraft attitude during all phases of the mission, starting at spacecraft separation from the launch vehicle and throughout its operational lifetime.

    Within the AOCS In Orbit Support Department, my mission was to optimize the onboard dynamic orbital propagation model for Spacebus 3000 platform produced at the Cannes Mandelieu Space Center in France by Thales Alenia Space.

    The study has been performed on real-time feedback data issued from current in-service fleet and a new and more realistic profile of engine thrusts has been proposed in order to improve propulsion efficiency for the further Spacebus 4000 generation.



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