


En résumé

Statement (up to 3 or 4 paragraphs with key career achievements, experience, skills and expertise)
Intelectuel level :
**09 years elementaire school :Diplomat elementary etudes. Alger . Algeria.
**03 years in College Technique /Electrical Technicien.Diplomat :CAP Monteur Electricien. Algeria.
**02 years in Technical Lyceum/Technical Electro Diesel.Diplomat : BrevetMaitrise Electro Diesel. Algeria.
**02 Years in IAP(Institut Algerian Petrolium) . HMD .Brevet Superior Drilling Technician . Algeria.
**03 Months in HEI(Halliburton Energy Institut). Duncan.Oklahoma.USA : Cmt Supervisor II/III .
Foam cement .Halwin Data/Cemwin .Opticem . RTD(Real Time Data ) U S A.
**01 Month in Halliburton institut Montrose .Aberdeen. UK : ADC/RCM Unipro II . Job Simularion U K.

*Cement Operator (10years) HassiMessaoud Sonatrach. Algeria.
*Chief Secteur (05years) Operations Speciales Cmt,DST,Power Tong, Sonatrach. Algeria.
*Field Supervisor (02years) Nowmco;Dukhan area. Aldolaimi Qatar.
*Project Manager (02years) Entreprise Devellopement Minier . EDEMINE Algeria.
*Cement service Specialist (04years) Halliburton . Algeria .
*Cement Service Supervisor (03years) Halliburton . Algeria.
*Cement service Leader (03years) As today with Halliburton . Algeria.

Equipments :
Western Cnie , HydraRig , Byron Jackson ,Halliburton.
*Cement : Bulk plant; unit; batch mixer; RCM; field storage bin; cmt silo, cmt head; Ground Mixer ect....
*ADC(Automatic Density Control) ,RCM(Recirculating Cement Mixer).Halwin Data,RTD File(Real Time Data),

In Algeria/Sonatrach DP , DOF Algeria , West Burn , KCA ,Petro Canada ,Naftogaz ,PetroCeltic ,Repsol ,Amerada Hess; Anadarco QGPC in Qatar .Ect......
.Well depth to: 3400m. Onshoor field.Oil,gaz,water well casing cementing:Two stage cmt , Foam cmt , HLite cmt.Cmt plug ,liner , tie back ,completion and stimulation well . Assist and supervise many well in Blow_Out . Algeria.

Mes compétences :
Safety Training
Cimentation des puits de Oil/Gas and completi
Completion/Stimulation des puits Oil/Gas
Blow_Out oil/gas Well operations assist
Perfectionnements Schools
Analyser et améliorer les performance s
Assistance client and get customer Satisfaction
Work with Rapidity/efficacy/HSE to get 0 defaults.
Jobs Assensements/competenties for new agents


  • Halliburton - Cmt Service LEADER

    Puteaux 2011 - 2016 Duties, Responsibilities : Gas/Oil/water Well cmt jobs .
    Application politique entreprise and get customer satisfaction.
    **Preparation , organisation of cmt jobs operations.
    **Gestion of the humans and materiels means necessaire for jobs as required by customers .Based on the quality sercices and HSE . Contact customer .
    **Follow Jobs tickets and signatures by customer.
    **Follow and assure the good maintenance of alls equipments' after the jobs and keep ready for comings jobs.
    **Organise cement crews for Call Out and monthly rental jobs.
    **Application politique of entreprise on field.Keep up the quality service of jobs operations , get customer satisfaction to get next jobs for company.
    **Assure one good competition with another compagnie services on field.
    **Assure one good learning jobs methode for news agents .
    **Assist on field for alls delicat job operations.
    **Assure complete communication and information for Hierarchie.
  • Halliburton - Cmt Service Supervisor

    Puteaux 2008 - 2011 Cmt Service Supervisor
    Duties, Responsibilities:Gas/Oil/Water Well cmt jobs .
    **Preparation , organisation of cmt jobs operations.
    **Gestion of humans and materiels means necessaire for jobs as required by customers .Based on the quality services and HSE . Contact customer .
    **Follow Jobs tickets and signatures by customer.
    **Follow and assure the good maintenance of alls equipments' after the jobs and keep ready for comings jobs.
    **Assure complete communication and information for Hierarchie.
  • Halliburton - Cmt Service Specialist

    Puteaux 1999 - 2002 Duties, Responsibilities:Gas/Oil/Water Well cmt jobs .
    **Preparation , organisation of cmt jobs operations.
    **Gestion of humans and materiels means necessaire for jobs as required by customers .Based on the quality services and HSE . Contact customer .
    **Follow Jobs tickets and signatures by customer.
    **Follow and assure the good maintenance of alls equipments' after the jobs and keep ready for comings jobs.
    **Assure complete communication and information for Hierarchie.

    **Equipment:s : Halliburton.
    TFT ,Hassi_Messaoud , InSalah area. Algeria.
  • Entreprise Nationale Devellopement Minier - Project Manager

    1996 - 1998 Duties, Responsibilities:Please see below comments in 3:
    Extra Oil Ffield 3)** Summary Extra Oil Field :Experience Professional **
    *Project : Derivation des Oueds a travers un tunnel 1250m sous les montagnes.Vers le Barrage d'approvisionnement en Eau pour l'irrigation de la Mitidja *Customer : Agence Nationale des Barrages. Ministere de L' Hydraulic. Algeria.*Management Entreprise au sein du ministere de l'energie et des Mines.Entreprise Nationale de Developement Minier *Gestion Technico-Administrative des Moyens Humains et Materiel de L'entrprise.*Creusement Tunnel de 1250 metres de long sous les montagnes( Tamesguida)AvecMarteaux Piqueurs ,Machine attaques Ponctuelles et/ou Explosif.Suivant le Cas.*Realisations : Coffrage ,Betonnage definitive du Tunnel, avec plus de 200 agents.*Equipements:Sous traitance avec L'entrise Hydroelektra ( Yougoslave)..Barrage de Bouroumi ..Chantier W- MEDEA ALGERIA
  • Aldolaimi NOWMCO . Duncan.Qatar - Field Service Supervisor

    1989 - 1991 Aldolaimi.NOWMCODuties, Responsibilities: Gas/Oil/Water well CMT and Stimulation Jobs supervision.
    **Application politique of entreprise.
    **Preparation , organisation of Stimulation and cementing jobs operations.
    °°Gestion of the humans and materiels means necessaire for jobs as required by customers .Based on the quality services and HSE . Contact customer .
    **Follow Jobs tickets and signatures by customer.
    **Follow and assure the good maintenance of alls equipments' after the jobs and keep ready for comings jobs.Organise crews for Call Out jobs.
    **Preparation and installation cementing services with Canadian Fracmaster Arabian Golf.
    **Assure complete communication and information for Hierarchie.
  • Sonatrach ENSP ; HassiMessaoud .Algeria. - Chef de Secteur Operations

    1982 - 1989 Chief de Secteur
    Duties, Responsibilities:Gas/Oil /Water Well cmt jobs.
    **Appliquation politique of Entreprise.
    **Preparation , organisation of cmt/Power tang/DST jobs operations.
    **Gestion of humans and materiels means necessaire for jobs as required by customers .Based on the quality sercices and HSE .
    **Contact customer . Follow Jobs tickets for signatures by customer.
    **Follow and assure the good maintenance of alls equipments' after the jobs and keep ready for comings jobs.
    **Organise crews for Call Out jobs.
    ** Assure good learning jobs methode for news agents.
    **Assure complete communication and information for Operation Manager.
  • Sonatrah DTP -  Service Cmt Operator

    1974 - 1982 Duties, Responsibilities
    Preparation , of cmt and pump jobs operations. As required by customers .Based on the quality services and HSE .. Did Jobs tickets and signatures by customer. Assure the good maintenance of alls equipments' after the jobs and keep ready for comings jobs.


  • Halliburton Technical Training Center (Duncan)

    Duncan 2001 - 2001 Cementing

    Perfectionnement cementing jobs :calculations,realisation;supervision.
  • Halliburton Technical Training Center (Duncan)

    Duncan 2001 - 2001 Cementing

    Training school Foam cement , Halwin data ,
  • Halliburton Technical Training Center (Duncan)

    Duncan 1999 - 1999 Cementing

    Training school Cement I and II .
  • Byron Jackson Technical Training .Houston Texas. USA. (Houston Texas)

    Houston Texas 1986 - 1986 Cementing

    Assist for purchase news cement unit with Precision Slurry Mixer for Sonatrach ENSP.
    Cmt job simulation. Training course cementing Jobs supervision.
  • Institut Algérien Du Pétrole (Hassi-Messaoud)

    Hassi-Messaoud 1972 - 1974 Cementing

    Etudes sur les forages des puits de Gas/Petrole/Eau, leur Cimentation and completion
  • Lycée Technique Du Ruisseau (Algers)

    Algers 1970 - 1972 Brevet Maitrise

    Electro Diesel
  • Technicum Mahi Blida . Algeria. (Blida)

    Blida 1967 - 1970 Certificat AptittudesProfessionnelle :MonteurElecticitien. From:1967to1970 =03 Ans.CollegeNationalEnsei

    Professionnelle :Certificat Aptitudes Profetionnel MonteurElecticitien. From:1967to1970 =03 Ans.CollegeNationalEnseignementTechnique . Blida.Algeria.


Annuaire des membres :