


En résumé

I don't have dreams , I have goals

Mes compétences :
Oracle SQL 9i (Certifié 1Z0-007)
OCPJD (Certifié - 1Z0-851)
OCEWCD (Certifié - 1Z0-899)


  • Remefox - Co-founder

    2017 - maintenant
  • Yenlo - Senior consultant SOA

    2014 - maintenant Yenlo is an ICT services provider and global strategic alliance partner of WSO2 with focus on middleware for process integration and business process management (SOA/BPM). Yenlo is specialized in enterprise architecture, software development and 24/7 managed services. Yenlo uses Design & Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO), which is an enterprise modeling methodology for transaction modeling, analyzing and representing business processes. Yenlo has partnerships with WSO2, SUSE, Amazon Web Services and Oracle.

    Yenlo offers the following services:

    - Enterprise Architecture
    - Software Development
    - 24/7 Managed Services
    - Private Cloud Hosting
    - WSO2 Product Support
    - WSO2 Development Support
    - WSO2 QuickStart
    - WSO2 Training & Certification
    - WSO2 24/7 Managed Services

    Using these services, you can benefit from cost savings and be able to do more with less. We unravel information systems and know how a business-to-business infrastructure based on an SOA approach has the potential to dramatically lessen the burden on partners and simplify the way you communicate with your partners and customers. In addition we help you to keep this increasingly complex IT 24/7 manageable.

    Some facts & figures:
    - Global Strategic Alliance partner of WSO2;
    - The specialist in the field of WSO2 middleware;
    - Training & Certification partner of WSO2;
    - Developer of the ebMS adapter for the WSO2 enterprise service bus
    - The specialist in SOA, BPEL and ESB technology in Oracle and Java open source domain;
    - Yenlo is Oracle SOA and Oracle Exadata Specialized Partner;
    - The specialist in Oracle GlassFish;
    - The specialist in Oracle APEX;
    - In-depth knowledge of supply chain integration (SOA), Web services, identity & access management;
    - 24/7 IT environment monitoring, from infrastructure to application systems;
    - SUSE Gold Partner

    Visit our website for more information
  • Investance Group - Consultant Java/JEE

    Courbevoie 2013 - 2014 HSBC Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation

    Global Banking and Markets (GBM)

    Departement Cross asset IT

    Project:Pricing,Valuation Services and Risk Aggregation for differents Trade products - Asset classes - (Money Market, Bonds, Commodities and Stocks)

    Mission: Creating Risk Agregations Platform

    Analyzing the technical stategy for intergrating ActivePivot (QuartetFs).
    Defining & tracking events of each asset class
    Support of different data sources coming from Summit, Murex ..

    Technical environment : Java, Spring,Webservices, GWT, Active Pivot, Coherence, DataSynapse
  • HIGH-TECH - Vacataire

    2012 - 2013 Formation des modules suivants:
    UML, Android, J2EE
  • Caciopee - Ingénieur de recherche et de développement

    Rabat 2011 - 2013 Refonte du système d'information de la CMM.
    Participation à l'analyse, conception, realisation et la mise en production de la refonte du système d'information de la Caisse marocaine des marchés (Corporate Banking)

    Refonte du systeme d'information du Conseil Déontologique des Valeurs Mobilières CDVM.
    Analyse et conception sociétés de gestion et leurs instruments financiers boursier.
    e.g Fonds de Placement Collectifs en Titrisation (FPCT)
  • Caciopee - Stagaire (élève ingenieur)

    Rabat 2011 - 2011 Réalisation d'une application mobile pour identifier les clients avec la Géo-localisation afin d'optimiser la chaîne de distribution.
  • Caciopee - Stagaire (élève ingenieur)

    Rabat 2010 - 2010 Réalisation d'une application web E-learning pour le support et examen blancs des certification PMP et JAVA


  • HIGH-TECH (Rabat)

    Rabat 2006 - 2011 Bac +5

    Graduated with honor


Annuaire des membres :