


En résumé

Digital management
Web advertising
Développement de partenariats Web

Mes compétences :
Web advertising
Développement de partenariats Web
Youtoube Network Expert - Monétisation
Gestion et maîtrise d'E-réputation
Relation client
Digital management
Conception et gestion des réseaux d'affiliation
Digital copyrights management
Web & e-business stratégie
Sous traitance de gestion et moderation de contenu


  • YALA MUSIC SAS - Digital & Marketing Manager

    2011 - maintenant About Yala Music:
    Yala is a social music service offering the largest and legal digital music catalogue for free.

    Yala gives users instant access to all the music and videos of the Arabic world, and allows:

    -Free and easy to use direct-to-fan marketing platform designed for artists.
    - Even for free downloads, Yala is the place to be, to promote and to monetize music in the Middle East and North Africa.

    As Yala is a SACEM compliant service, authors & composers can also easily collect their royalties in the Middle East and North Africa.

    Digital Management Department: E-reputation management & content protection

    Build up and optimize artist's social web presence
    In this fast paced social media landscape, unofficial profiles and user generated content are constantly created without their knowledge.
    In order to secure artist's online presence and redirect it's audience to the official social network profiles, We monitor copyrighted content, thereby preventing infringement.
    Fight against piracy
    Protection of digital rights
    Deleting the unofficial profiles and pages on Facebook and Twitter
    Removing any unofficial videos from YouTube ...
    Legal content monetization
    Protect the art and manage artist's e-reputation

    (Digital & marketing management, E-Réputation, Web & digital advertising, artist online reputation and content management and monetisation, youtube expert, digital copyright expert, ...)
  • M2 NETWORK - Publishing Manager

    2010 - 2010 - Creation & management of affiliate networks with a High-converting
    (More than 100 websites & 40 million audience views per month)
    - Web analytics: off-site and on-site
    - Optimizing online campaigns
    - Internet Traffic Management


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :