
Morgane LONDAS

Puteaux Cedex

En résumé

Retrouver toutes nos opportunités en France et à l'étranger sur l'espace carrières de BOLLORE AFRICA LOGISTICS : http://www.bollore-africa-logistics.com/nous-rejoindre.html

Mes compétences :
Ressources humaines


  • Bolloré Africa Logistics - Chargée de recrutement Afrique

    Puteaux Cedex 2013 - maintenant Based in France, within the HQ HR Department of Bolloré Africa Logistics, I am in charge of all the 'expat' recruitments for Africa. My direct report is the HR Director for Africa and I closely work with the Country HR Directors and Managing Directors.

    I recruit for the 46 African countries in which the Company is located, from junior profiles (VIE) to top management positions, mainly in finance, shipping, freight forwarding and civil engineering industries. Coming from executive search organisations, I source the candidates mainly via headhunting and direct search.

    I also have responsibilites regarding the Employer Brand, by participating to career fairs.
    1 recommandation
  • Energize Recruitment Solutions Ltd - Benelux Consultant

    2013 - 2013 Based in Manchester

    Recognised as the “Best Company to work for 2012” by the Recruitment & Employment Confederation, Energize Recruitment Solutions is a global provider of IT professionals and operate dedicated niche recruitment teams serving the following markets;
    • SAP
    • Telecommunications & Infrastructure
    • Digital Marketing
    • Development

  • Lincoln Associates - Chargée de recherche

    Paris 2012 - 2013 Pôle : assurances/finance

    Basée à Bruxelles (5 mois) puis Paris (6mois), mes principales missions etaient les suivantes :

    - Compréhension et retranscription des besoins du client
    - Recherche des candidats correspondants au profil défini (webtracking, sourcing, chasse de tête)
    - Évaluation des qualifications de candidats du début à la fin du processus (CV, téléphone, entretien).
    - Rédaction de synthèses de compétence
    - Suivi du process de recrutement


  • ESC Montpellier

    Montpellier 2009 - 2013 BAC + 5 Master

    Année d’étude à l’université de Sheffield, 2010-2011


Annuaire des membres :