


En résumé

Mes compétences :


  • GSK vaccines - Safety physician

    2013 - maintenant - Daily medical evaluation and causality assessment of adverse events reported with vaccines
    - Medical evaluation of product quality complaint (with and without adverse events)
    - Monthly medical evaluation of safety signals related to manufacturing
    - Safety Quantitative Analysis (different statistical methods usage)
    - Handling requests from worldwide health authorities on product quality issue related to adverse events
    - Safety evaluation of the potential impact on patient of a manufacturing incident
    - Routinely interaction with Global Quality Assurance department
    - Interaction with the manufacturing sites (Belgium, Canada, Germany, France, Singapore…)
    - Taking part to decisions taken as member of the product incident review committee (incident in manufacturing)
    - Participation to the recall decisions as responsible person for safety
    - Interaction with GSK Local Operating Companies worldwide
    - SQL language knowledge
    - Safety databases: Oceans- Argus- Spotfire
    - Authority inspections (GMP and pharmacovigilance): FDA, MHRA, Belgian authorities, China, Turkey…
    - Improvement of the internal process of the complaints management
    - SOPs and work practices (writing and/or review)
  • CELGENE - Drug Safety Specialist

    Paris 2012 - 2013 - Pharmacovigilance of products used as chemotherapy in haematology and oncology.
    - Handling of case reports received from health care professionals, health authorities and clinical trials
    - Data Entry in Pharmacovigilance database ARISg
    - Checking and editing of CIOMS-I form with complementary reports
    - Communication of adverse events to health authority respecting the deadlines
    - Answering requests from French Regulatory Agencies
    - Periodic drug safety report (writing and review)
    - Documentation of cases and case tracking until resolution or stabilization of the adverse reaction
    - Handling of Product Quality Complaint associated to ICSR
    - Correction and validation of “Risk Language Form” for patients involved in a clinical trial
    - Pharmacovigilance of the market researches (target questionnaires, collecting adverse events, advices for patient safety)
  • HRS Solutions - Médecin chargée des affaires médicales/ pharmacovigilance/ information médicale

    2012 - 2012 - Rédaction de documents de formation pour les visiteurs médicaux
    - Pharmacovigilance des essais cliniques
    - Organisation de formation en ligne en pharmacovigilance et en recherche clinique
    - Information médicale
  • STALLERGENES - Médecin chargée de pharmacovigilance

    ANTONY 2012 - 2012 - Saisie de 60 cas de pharmacovigilance dans base de données Safety Easy: évaluation de la gravité, codage MedDRA, redaction de narratifs, medical assessment, rédaction de company comment.
  • Universal Medica - Chargée de pharmacovigilance

    2012 - 2012 - Recherche bibliographique PV hebdomadaire sur pubmed, medline et embase
    - Traitement de cas PV
    - Traduction des nouveaux textes réglementaires PV
    - Rédaction de procédures et de modes opératoires PV
  • Celgene - Drug Safety Specialist

    Paris 2011 - 2011 - Réception des cas, évaluation des critères de gravité et saisie des données.
    - utilisation de base de données ARISg.
    - Veille de littérature avec identification des 4 critères relatifs à un cas de pharmacovigilance.
    - Participation à la mise en place de plan de management des risques (outils d’information, plan de prévention…)
    - Veille hebdomadaire de la législation française et européenne.
    - Contrôle qualité des dossiers de pharmacovigilance (queries, déclarations…)
    - Participation à la préparation d’audits interne, d’inspection par l’AFSSAPS.
    - Gestion des réclamations Qualité associées ou non à un effet indésirable : identification, enregistrement, préparation
    des éléments de réponse.
    - Utilisation des guidelines BPF et BPC.



Annuaire des membres :