Lille Cedex
I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn… (M.A.)
Yes! I have the NEED TO LEARN :)
Throughout my academic path and my professional experiences, this NEED TO LEARN has given me the taste of work in an INTERNATIONAL and a MULTICULTURAL environment with colleagues from different backgrounds and fields. It has also transformed me to a POLYGLOT person…
And recently, this need has driven me to be a SCIENTIST with a BUSINESS thinking with both academic and entreprise experiences…
During this "learning path" I have developed Intercultural, Linguistic, Relational, Communicative, Project management competences and other competences. Today and each day, I am EAGER to develop new skills, to exchange knowledge, to collaborate,... and YEAH I still have a lot to learn!
P.S. If you’d like to learn more about my experiences or interested in hiring me, please send a message.
Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
R & D