


En résumé

Après un diplôme d'école de commerce à dominante Marketing, j'ai complété mon cursus par un Master en Ressources Humaines et Communication. Cette double compétence m'a amenée à travailler, depuis 6 ans, dans différents types d'organisations (grands groupes internationaux, TPE, associations) et dans divers secteurs (Défense, Habitat, Conseil, Informatique, Enseignement). De plus, mes expériences chez l'annonceur et en agence m'ont permis d'acquérir une vision à 360° des métiers de la communication.

Mon fort intérêt pour l'international m'a conduite à m'expatrier en Australie il y a 4 ans.
Après une première année passée à découvrir la côte Est, j'ai choisi de m'installer à Perth, en Australie-Occidentale, où j'ai occupé différents postes en Marketing, Communication et Evénementiel.

Mes compétences :
Communication - Marketing
Communication RH
Customer Service
Marketing RH
Marque employeur
Relations Ecoles
Event planning


  • StudyPerth - Responsable Marketing

    2016 - 2016
  • Kasali Migration Australia - Administratrice Marketing

    Perth 2015 - 2015 Kasali Migration Australia est un cabinet international de conseil en immigration qui accompagne les candidats éligibles désirant immigrer en Australie de manière temporaire ou permanente dans leurs démarches de visa.

    • Création d'une base de données de contacts
    • Traduction de plaquettes et de contenus web de l'anglais vers le français
    • Gestion et mise à jour des réseaux sociaux
  • French-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Chargée de Communication et Evénementiel

    2015 - 2015 Implantée à Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, et Adélaïde, la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie franco-australienne (FACCI) est un organisme indépendent à but non lucratif, dont la mission est de promouvoir le développement des liens bilatéraux commerciaux, industriels et économiques entre la France et l'Australie.

    • Participation à l'organisation et à la mise en place du stand de la FACCI au festival "Bonjour Perth", un événement visant à promouvoir la culture française et ayant rassemblé 12 000 personnes dans le centre-ville de Perth : gestion logistique, interface avec les fournisseurs, présence lors de l'événement, prise de photos et vidéos, suivi.

    • Rédaction et relecture de courriers électroniques, e-mailings, communiqués de presse, éditoriaux.

    • Traduction de documents du français vers l'anglais et de l'anglais vers le français.
  • Qualitem - Coordinatrice Marketing

    2014 - 2015
  • Connected Systems - Marketing Coordinator

    2014 - 2015 Connected Systems is a technology-consulting organisation which provides Advisory, SharePoint, Application Development, and Integration services. As a Microsoft Gold Partner, it specialises in .NET bespoke development, SharePoint technologies and BizTalk solutions.
  • Parlez-Vous Français - Communication & Events Coordinator

    2014 - 2014 Parlez-Vous Francais is a French teaching company based in Perth, WA.

    Communication materials (flyer, brochure), Event Coordination, Social Media (Facebook, Twitter), Website Maintenance, Administration & Business Development.
  • French-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA - Communication & Events Coordinator

    2013 - 2014 With offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Adelaide, FACCI is an independent, not-for-profit organisation promoting the development of commercial, industrial, and economical bilateral links between France and Australia.

    • Administration: welcoming new comers, handling memberships, liaising with other FACCI chapters, keeping track of expenses and revenues.

    • Marketing: assisting in the set-up of a French-Australian bilingual school in Perth (the "French-Australian School of WA") by delivering a Business Plan to get approval and subsidies from the French government, and by creating a Sponsorship Kit to raise funds from private organisations.

    • Communications: designing membership and sponsorship kits, flyers, brochures and posters, writing media releases, news articles and a monthly e-newsletter, updating the website.

    • Events: coordinating with guest speakers, arranging venue, catering and room set up, handling invitations, promoting event (email, social media, press, website), reporting.

    • Key events: Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition (February 2014), “Merci Down Under”, commemorative event of WWI (2014-2018), Business Seminars, Social Networking Events, Young Professionals After-Work Drinks, FACCI Gala Dinner, Bastille Day.
  • BlueLink International Australia - Customer Contact Officer

    2013 - 2013 BlueLink International Australia specialises in providing premium reservation services and after-sales support to customers of the Club Med (holiday resorts), Air France KLM (airlines) and Accor (hotels) Groups in the Asia-Pacific region.

    • Handling multichannel (e-mail, calls, faxes and letters) enquiries
    • Booking flight tickets, hotel reservations and car rentals
    • Providing information on the Flying Blue loyalty program
  • AC Conseil - Junior Project Manager

    Paris 2011 - 2012 • Missions: meeting clients to gather their needs, conceiving communication media, writing contents, working closely with designers, printers and other providers.
    • Projects: welcome booklets, information sheets, surveys, employee magazines, social reports, corporate events...
    • Subjects: compensation and benefits, human resources information systems, disability, occupational health, gender equity, psychosocial risks, career mobility...
    • Clients: large companies from various industries (pharmaceutical, banking, insurance, retailing and distribution, furnishing, automotive, luxury...)
  • Compagnie de Saint-Gobain - HR Marketing Coordinator

    2010 - 2011 • Organised on-campus presentations, company visits, created a communication kit for campus relations managers and a newsletter for target schools’ students
    • Listed and posted job opportunities on target schools’ websites, participated in career fairs, ran interviews, processed prospective applications (“cvmail” software)
    • Advised students with their resume and their professional project
    • Attended conferences & debates on school/corporate relations, HR marketing and employer branding
    • Defined a remuneration policy for young recruits
  • Thales Communications - Operations Marketing & Communication Coordinator

    Colombes 2008 - 2010 • Created, implemented and followed-up a communication plan
    • Wrote articles, press releases and a whitepaper; monitored the creation of product brochures, posters and catalogue (worked with communication agencies)
    • Events planning: organized internal and customer events
    • Coached project managers for presentations (PowerPoint and public speaking)
    • Ran studies (buzz, Internet, intranet), created a French-English technical glossary
  • Kookaï - Shop Assistant

    Saint-Denis La Plaine 2007 - 2008 • Customer relationship management
    • Stocks management
    • Merchandising
    • Sales performance indicators analysis and follow up


  • Edith Cowan University PIBT (Perth)

    Perth 2014 - 2014 IELTS

  • CELSA Paris Sorbonne (France) - Graduate School Of Information And Communication Sciences

    Paris 2010 - 2011 Master's degree

    Specialising in Human Resources and Communication.
    Master's thesis on HR Marketing and Employer Branding aimed at recent graduates.
    Grade: Credit
  • Santa Monica College (CA, USA) (Santa Monica)

    Santa Monica 2006 - 2006 Study Abroad Semester

    Dean's Honor List
  • ISTEC Paris (France) - Graduate School Of Business And Marketing (Paris)

    Paris 2005 - 2010 Honours Bachelor

    Specialising in Operational Marketing and Corporate Communications.
    Honours thesis on Change Management and the prevention of Psychosocial Risks in the workplace.
    Rank: 7/35
  • Lycée Maurice Ravel (Paris, France) (Paris)

    Paris 2001 - 2004 Highschool diploma

    Special subject: English


Annuaire des membres :