


En résumé

24 years of international experience in the design of equipment and cement projects.
Background in cement burning line and plant upgrade.
Passionate about my job, the sense of effort and responsibility are values that do not frighten me.
Honesty and integrity are fundamental values that dictates my professional and personal life.

Finally I am a team player, I have traveled extensively both in my personal and professional life and I enjoy working with people from different backgrounds and different cultures.

Mes compétences :
Driving for results
Leading change
Technical knowledge
Team leadership
Project management


  • Lafarge - Ingénieur Concepteur

    Paris 2002 - maintenant Lafarge Engineering Centre – LEC Lyon
    + As a Design/ Project Engineer
    - Conduct feasibility studies for industrial projects, budgets 1M to 35M€
    (Definition of technical solutions and estimation of project costs)
    - Drafting of technical specifications for international tenders
    - Launch of consultation, comparison and evaluation of supplier bids
    - Project Management from design to commissioning
    - Kiln upstream filters (Italy, France, Morocco, Romania)
    - Cement mill grinding workshop (Cameroon)
    - Waste fuel preparation plant (France)
    - Optimization of limestone and coal mill workshops (Kenya, Romania, Nigeria)…
    + As a Design Office Manager
    - Identification and start-up of 3-D CAD software (Catia) as a tool for the division
    - Establishment of technical database for document management
    - Development of new working methods, writing procedures
    - Management of a team of four draftmen and outsourcing studies
  • Technip - 'Burning Line' product Line Manager

    Paris 1990 - 2002 Cement Division :
    +« Burning line » product line Manager
    - Participation in pre-sales phases
    - Definition and equipment design
    - Preparation of technical proposals
    - Management of a team of five draftmen and outsourcing studies
    - Ras Al Khaimah Cement Plant (UAE)
    - Numerous modifications of burning lines (Lixhe-Belgium, Meknes-Morocco,…)
    + Division CAD Manager
    Project manager of "Improving productivity through 3D CAD software"
    - 30% reduction in time for engineering studies
    - 50% gain on the completion time of proposals
    + Sponsor of the Youth Technicians Committee for LYON office
    - Career Management
    - Determination of annual salary revisions
  • Capord - Projeteur

    1989 - 1990 - Nuclear sector (INTERCONTROLE – CEA subsidiary)
    - Aeronautical sector SARMA (SKF group) and LABINAL
  • Asercao - Technicien

    1988 - 1988 - Design and construction of a water jet cutting machine driven by CAD system
  • Atemi - Technicien

    1987 - 1987 - Development of an expert system for 3D modelling design aid (EUCLID)



Annuaire des membres :