Atlantis the palm - The Lost Chambers Aquarium - United Arab Emirates
- Aquarist
2016 - maintenant
• Maintaining the highest level of cleanliness and artistic quality of the displays, including the window, background and décor
• Maintaining exhibits through diving when necessary
• Maintaining acceptable water quality parameters to ensure the health of the organisms and excellent water clarity; testing water quality parameters when needed
• Ensuring the proper care of life support equipment by adhering to a regular maintenance schedule and keeping all components clean
• Preparing diets using a diversity of high quality foods and supplements; diet composition simulates natural diets as much as possible
• Feeding organisms appropriately and maintaining correct weight
• Recognizing medical conditions and administering medications as needed under the direction of the Veterinarian or Curator
• Completing all necessary records and keeping them current; recording detailed daily notes and noting observations
Clear reef International - Fakieh Aquarium - Saudi Arabia
- Aquarist in Fakieh Aquarium in Saudi Arabia
2014 - 2016
• Maintaining the highest level of cleanliness and artistic quality of the displays, including the window, background and décor
• Maintaining exhibits through diving when necessary
• Maintaining acceptable water quality parameters to ensure the health of the organisms and excellent water clarity; testing water quality parameters when needed
• Ensuring the proper care of life support equipment by adhering to a regular maintenance schedule and keeping all components clean
• Preparing diets using a diversity of high quality foods and supplements; diet composition simulates natural diets as much as possible
• Feeding organisms appropriately and maintaining correct weight
• Recognizing medical conditions and administering medications as needed under the direction of the Veterinarian or Curator
• Completing all necessary records and keeping them current; recording detailed daily notes and noting observations
Teleperformance Greece
- Customer Service Associate
2013 - 2013
Apple Advisor for iOS Technical support, Account Security and Itunes Store departments (support by call, email and chat)
Amazon (Irlande)
- Customer Service Associate
2012 - 2013
- Offering high quality customer service for Amazon.fr
- Dealing with incoming calls and emails
Acuario Oceanográfic - Parques Reunidos de Valencia (Espagne)
- Aquarist
2012 - 2012
• Maintaining the highest level of cleanliness and artistic quality of the displays, including the window, background and décor
• Maintaining exhibits through diving when necessary
• Maintaining acceptable water quality parameters to ensure the health of the organisms and excellent water clarity; testing water quality parameters when needed
• Ensuring the proper care of life support equipment by adhering to a regular maintenance schedule and keeping all components clean
• Preparing diets using a diversity of high quality foods and supplements; diet composition simulates natural diets as much as possible
• Feeding organisms appropriately and maintaining correct weight
• Recognizing medical conditions and administering medications as needed under the direction of the Veterinarian or Curator
• Reporting all medical or behavioral matters to Asst. Curator/Curator and Veterinarian
• Completing all necessary records and keeping them current; recording detailed daily notes and noting observations
Fundación Gypaetus (Espagne)
- European volunteer
2011 - 2011
- Welcoming visitors to the Museum
- Monitoring Bearded Vultures in the Natural Park
- Maintaining facilities in The Vulture Breeding Center
- Scientific Observer
2011 - 2011
- Monitoring the fishing of tuna on boats in Gulf of Guinea (from Ivory Coast and Senegal)
- Collecting scientific information
- Scientific Observer ICCAT
2010 - 2010
- Monitoring the fishing of tuna in the Mediterranean Sea on a spanish boat
- Collecting scientific information for research purposes
Parc Marin de la Côte Bleue
- Reserve Guard
2009 - 2009
- Monitoring of marine reserves
- Counting the seasonal occupancy of tourism
- Promoting the awareness of boat safety to boaters
- Scientific Observer
2009 - 2009
- Monitoring the level of tuna fishing in the Mediterranean Sea
- Collecting scientific information
DDE des Bouches du Rhône
- Senior Technician
2008 - 2009
- Measuring the water quality of the port
- Drawing up reference maps
Syndicat Mixte « Espaces Littoraux de la Manche »
- Stagiaire Chargé d'Etudes
2008 - 2008
Contribution à la mise en œuvre de l’Observatoire de fréquentation Bountîles Chausey :
- collecte des données de terrain (comptages, enquêtes auprès des usagers, entretiens avec les principaux acteurs locaux…),
- participation à l’ajustement des méthodologies de suivi, saisie et analyse des informations recueillies.
Agence de l'Eau RMC
- Stagiaire Chargé d'Etudes
2007 - 2007
Premier bilan des études et des programmes de recherche financés par l’Agence de l’Eau portant sur le littoral méditerranéen depuis le début des années 1990 :
- recensement des études et création d’une base de données,
- réalisation d’un atlas cartographique,
- conduite d’entretiens avec les principaux acteurs littoraux (DIREN, Collectivités territoriales, IFREMER, CNRS, Parc Marin de la Côte Bleue).
Parc Marin de la Côte Bleue
- Garde du Littoral
2006 - 2006
Surveillance diurne et nocturne des réserves marines de Carry le Rouet et du Cap Couronne (patrouilles en bateau et à terre, information du public…). Assistance des travaux scientifiques (le comptage des mérous et des corbs).
Centre d'Etudes Techniques de l'Equipement Méditerranée
- Stagiaire plongeur professionnel
2005 - 2005
- expertise et contrôle des ouvrages en site immergés (Port Pierre Canto à Cannes, Pont du Gard, Port Autonome de Marseille, Port du Lavandou),
- reconnaissance géotechnique terrestre et sous-marine.
Agence de l'Eau RMC
- Stagiaire Chargé d'Etudes
2004 - 2004
Mise en place de la Directive Cadre Eau sur le littoral Corse :
- exploitation des grilles de Non Atteinte de Bon Etat,
- élaboration de documents de synthèse (cartes, fiches par masse d’eau).