
Nicolas DUBAR


En résumé

Issu d’une formation pluridisciplinaire et professionnalisante dans les domaines de l’environnement, l’aménagement du territoire et les espaces littoraux, je sais faire preuve d’une grande adaptation dans les missions qu’on me propose que ce soit dans le public/privé, en France/à l’étranger ou à la fonction de technicien/chargé d’études. Plongeur professionnel (CAH Classe 1 Mention B) et ayant également de bonnes connaissances en anglais et en espagnol, je suis mobile au niveau international.

Mes compétences :
Plongeur professionnel Classe 1 Mention B


  • Atlantis the palm - The Lost Chambers Aquarium - United Arab Emirates - Aquarist

    2016 - maintenant • Maintaining the highest level of cleanliness and artistic quality of the displays, including the window, background and décor
    • Maintaining exhibits through diving when necessary
    • Maintaining acceptable water quality parameters to ensure the health of the organisms and excellent water clarity; testing water quality parameters when needed
    • Ensuring the proper care of life support equipment by adhering to a regular maintenance schedule and keeping all components clean
    • Preparing diets using a diversity of high quality foods and supplements; diet composition simulates natural diets as much as possible
    • Feeding organisms appropriately and maintaining correct weight
    • Recognizing medical conditions and administering medications as needed under the direction of the Veterinarian or Curator
    • Completing all necessary records and keeping them current; recording detailed daily notes and noting observations
  • Clear reef International - Fakieh Aquarium - Saudi Arabia -  Aquarist in Fakieh Aquarium in Saudi Arabia

    2014 - 2016 • Maintaining the highest level of cleanliness and artistic quality of the displays, including the window, background and décor
    • Maintaining exhibits through diving when necessary
    • Maintaining acceptable water quality parameters to ensure the health of the organisms and excellent water clarity; testing water quality parameters when needed
    • Ensuring the proper care of life support equipment by adhering to a regular maintenance schedule and keeping all components clean
    • Preparing diets using a diversity of high quality foods and supplements; diet composition simulates natural diets as much as possible
    • Feeding organisms appropriately and maintaining correct weight
    • Recognizing medical conditions and administering medications as needed under the direction of the Veterinarian or Curator
    • Completing all necessary records and keeping them current; recording detailed daily notes and noting observations
  • Teleperformance Greece - Customer Service Associate

    2013 - 2013 Apple Advisor for iOS Technical support, Account Security and Itunes Store departments (support by call, email and chat)
  • Amazon (Irlande) - Customer Service Associate

    Clichy 2012 - 2013 - Offering high quality customer service for
    - Dealing with incoming calls and emails
  • Acuario Oceanográfic - Parques Reunidos de Valencia (Espagne) - Aquarist

    2012 - 2012 • Maintaining the highest level of cleanliness and artistic quality of the displays, including the window, background and décor
    • Maintaining exhibits through diving when necessary
    • Maintaining acceptable water quality parameters to ensure the health of the organisms and excellent water clarity; testing water quality parameters when needed
    • Ensuring the proper care of life support equipment by adhering to a regular maintenance schedule and keeping all components clean
    • Preparing diets using a diversity of high quality foods and supplements; diet composition simulates natural diets as much as possible
    • Feeding organisms appropriately and maintaining correct weight
    • Recognizing medical conditions and administering medications as needed under the direction of the Veterinarian or Curator
    • Reporting all medical or behavioral matters to Asst. Curator/Curator and Veterinarian
    • Completing all necessary records and keeping them current; recording detailed daily notes and noting observations
  • Fundación Gypaetus (Espagne) - European volunteer

    2011 - 2011 - Welcoming visitors to the Museum
    - Monitoring Bearded Vultures in the Natural Park
    - Maintaining facilities in The Vulture Breeding Center
  • OCEANIC-DEVELOPPEMENT - Scientific Observer

    2011 - 2011 - Monitoring the fishing of tuna on boats in Gulf of Guinea (from Ivory Coast and Senegal)
    - Collecting scientific information
  • COFREPECHE - Scientific Observer ICCAT

    2010 - 2010 - Monitoring the fishing of tuna in the Mediterranean Sea on a spanish boat
    - Collecting scientific information for research purposes
  • Parc Marin de la Côte Bleue - Reserve Guard

    2009 - 2009 - Monitoring of marine reserves
    - Counting the seasonal occupancy of tourism
    - Promoting the awareness of boat safety to boaters
  • COFREPECHE - Scientific Observer

    2009 - 2009 - Monitoring the level of tuna fishing in the Mediterranean Sea
    - Collecting scientific information
  • DDE des Bouches du Rhône - Senior Technician

    2008 - 2009 - Measuring the water quality of the port
    - Drawing up reference maps
  • Syndicat Mixte « Espaces Littoraux de la Manche » - Stagiaire Chargé d'Etudes

    2008 - 2008 Contribution à la mise en œuvre de l’Observatoire de fréquentation Bountîles Chausey :
    - collecte des données de terrain (comptages, enquêtes auprès des usagers, entretiens avec les principaux acteurs locaux…),
    - participation à l’ajustement des méthodologies de suivi, saisie et analyse des informations recueillies.
  • Agence de l'Eau RMC - Stagiaire Chargé d'Etudes

    2007 - 2007 Premier bilan des études et des programmes de recherche financés par l’Agence de l’Eau portant sur le littoral méditerranéen depuis le début des années 1990 :
    - recensement des études et création d’une base de données,
    - réalisation d’un atlas cartographique,
    - conduite d’entretiens avec les principaux acteurs littoraux (DIREN, Collectivités territoriales, IFREMER, CNRS, Parc Marin de la Côte Bleue).
  • Parc Marin de la Côte Bleue - Garde du Littoral

    2006 - 2006 Surveillance diurne et nocturne des réserves marines de Carry le Rouet et du Cap Couronne (patrouilles en bateau et à terre, information du public…). Assistance des travaux scientifiques (le comptage des mérous et des corbs).
  • Centre d'Etudes Techniques de l'Equipement Méditerranée - Stagiaire plongeur professionnel

    2005 - 2005 - expertise et contrôle des ouvrages en site immergés (Port Pierre Canto à Cannes, Pont du Gard, Port Autonome de Marseille, Port du Lavandou),
    - reconnaissance géotechnique terrestre et sous-marine.
  • Agence de l'Eau RMC - Stagiaire Chargé d'Etudes

    2004 - 2004 Mise en place de la Directive Cadre Eau sur le littoral Corse :
    - exploitation des grilles de Non Atteinte de Bon Etat,
    - élaboration de documents de synthèse (cartes, fiches par masse d’eau).



Annuaire des membres :