I am a researcher interested in statistics and computer science. I have an engineer degree from the ENSIMAG, where I majored in statistical modeling, while learning computer science. I earned my Ph.D. in statistics applied to population genetics in 2014 and I am today a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California Berkeley.
My goal is to innovate with computational methods to improve data analysis. Thanks to my strong quantitative background I develop models and algorithms to analyze large scale datasets. I am especially interested in new challenges offered by the era of Big Data, in genetics, health or other domains.
Because I am concerned of the methods being tractable and applied to large scale datasets, I release optimized codes and software, in low (C/C++) or high (python/perl/R...) level programming languages.
I am also convinced that an important point of the work of a data scientist is to be able to summarized key results with graphics. I work hard on visualization of the results of data analysis. It is the best way to make results interpretable and understandable.
Keywords: Data science, genetics, Bayesian statistics, statistical learning, bioinformatics, software development.
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Mes compétences :
Machine Learning