

En résumé

I am a researcher interested in statistics and computer science. I have an engineer degree from the ENSIMAG, where I majored in statistical modeling, while learning computer science. I earned my Ph.D. in statistics applied to population genetics in 2014 and I am today a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California Berkeley.

My goal is to innovate with computational methods to improve data analysis. Thanks to my strong quantitative background I develop models and algorithms to analyze large scale datasets. I am especially interested in new challenges offered by the era of Big Data, in genetics, health or other domains.
Because I am concerned of the methods being tractable and applied to large scale datasets, I release optimized codes and software, in low (C/C++) or high (python/perl/R...) level programming languages.
I am also convinced that an important point of the work of a data scientist is to be able to summarized key results with graphics. I work hard on visualization of the results of data analysis. It is the best way to make results interpretable and understandable.

Keywords: Data science, genetics, Bayesian statistics, statistical learning, bioinformatics, software development.

You can learn more about my research activities on:

Mes compétences :
Machine Learning


  • UC Berkeley - Postdoctoral researcher

    2015 - maintenant Development of population genetics theory and statistical methods and software to address evolutionary questions with new data.
  • Uppsala Universitet - Undergraduate student

    2011 - 2011 Development of statistical methods and software to infer informative haplotypes from large scale data sets in population genetics.
  • TIMC-IMAG - PhD Student

    Montreal 2011 - 2014 Development of statistical methods and software to extract information from large scale genetic data sets.
    Methods particularly aim to ascertain local genetic differentiation and footprints of local adaptation in the data. Open source software PCAdapt and LocalDiff are available.
  • Mediplus Grenoble - Chargé de TD

    2010 - 2010 Chargé des Travaux dirigés de Mathématiques et de Biostatistiques
  • Institut Pasteur - Paris - Stagiaire ingénieur à la plate forme génotypage des pathogènes et santé publique

    Paris 2010 - 2010 Développement d'une méthode d'analyse statistique pour les puces à ADN Papillocheck de Greiner, visant à détecter différents génotypes de HPV.



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