


En résumé

Personal Profile
I am a mobile developer who is passionate about discovering new technologies, fast learner and keen on producing good quality applications or games.

I am working on:
- Creation and development of successful 2D social mobile games or native iOS applications
- Online services and 3rd APIs integration

I am looking for new experiences in mobile development to produce innovative application using latest technologies.

Check my online resume : http://www.bananapps.com

My Skills

- Mobile development
- Game engines (cocos2d-x / ios, Unity)
- Mobile 3rd APIs (Facebook SDK, Vungle, Chartboost, Fabric, Google Analytics...)
- Online services
- Web development (JEE, Ruby on Rails)
- Game marketing (monetization, acquisition, retention, tracking, analytics, ARPU...)
- Xcode, Eclipse, Git
- Agile development (Scrum, XP, Kanban)

Main technologies
- Swift, Objective-C, iOS & Mac Frameworks (UIKit, StoreKit, Cocoa, AVFoundation...)
- C#, Java, Ruby
- SQL (MySQL, Oracle), NoSQL (MongoDB)
- HTML5, CSS 3, Javascript

Mes compétences :
Ruby on Rails
Unity 3D


  • Mind Candy - Software Engineer, Mobile iOS

    2014 - 2015 Skills: Swift, Objective-C, UIKit, AVFoudation

    ==== The 7 Second Challenge (iOS) - 2015 ====
    An application by popular YouTubers @AmazingPhil & @Danisnotonfire in collaboration with Mind Candy
    - Built the 1st Mind Candy application in Swift as a sole developer. The game was ranked #2 Top Paid Apps the first day with 5 stars review based on more than 1000 users!
    - Created the final video using the advanced AVFoundation framework to record, compose and add animated Core Animation layers
    - Provided technical advice on UI, game design and enhancements with the team

    ==== PopJam (Android) - 2014-2015 ====
    A creative social application where kids can play and share their creations!
    - Reverse engineering of legacy code and quickly became able to develop major features and optimizing the cache system to reduce the number of requests
    - Redesigned all the UI due to the app rebranding: created generic components and cleaned up the code
    - Collaborated in a team environment to exchange our different ideas of implementation and enhancements
    -Added important features to improve user experience: GIFs (using Giphy API), HTML5 Content integration (built a JavaScript bridge to execute iOS code from external content), search with live result. Drastically reduced the number of crash until to have more than 97% crash free users.

  • Adictiz - Développeur mobile de jeux sociaux

    Lille 2012 - 2013 Skills: Objective-C, C++, cocos2d, iOS, Facebook SDK

    ==== Creation of Mobile department ====
    - Co-developed an in-house mobile framework throughout the development of the games
    - Proactive on technology choices and served as lead developer to junior team members

    ==== Paf le Chien Run Run / Space Dog Run Run (iOS, Android) - 2013
    - Joined the team during development to help them and to build the shop (item purchase and upgrades, IAP transaction, free credits, user credits). Updated the gameplay to handle shop's items (ingame bonus, boost and vehicles).
    - Created generic cross-platform modules using cocos2d-x to reuse them in other games. These modules help to manage: achievements, daily challenges, sound and video playback.
    - Developed social features like leaderboards (with the online synchronization) and Facebook SDK integration (sharing, invitation, open graph)

    ==== Paf le Chien + / Space Dog + (iOS) - 2013
    - Improved the performance of the existing game rebuilding all views using UIKit
    - Created the special offer system allowing players to buy an item at a reduced price. The offers are synchronized and validated (limited by time and/or quantity) with the backend on all games.
    - Added First Time User Experience (FTUE / Tutorial), hard currency, new special items and their ingame interactions

    ==== Duck it (iOS) - 2012-2013
    - Developed our first asynchronous game as a sole developer. Implementing all online features and social interaction was challenging and done in time.
    - Reactive to ever-changing situations creating modular code and maintaining a good team communication.

    ==== Animal Story (iOS) - 2012
    - First professional game and sole developer, I had to learn quickly the current game engine already used in the company and every game development aspect (memory optimization, sprite's textures, backend communication, monetization, 3rd SDK etc.)
    - Game was released 4 months after, starting from scratch, and with all features implemented (gameplay, UI, ads, IAP, achievements, social/online services)
  • Webpulser - Développeur web et mobile

    Roubaix 2011 - 2011 Skills: Ruby on Rails, MySQL, iOS, three.js, Forgeos

    - Worked on e-commerce web applications and created a mobile app for an expo
    - Developed a R&D project allowing an user to interact with a 3D web page (WebGL / three.js) using a Kinect (OpenNI)
  • Capgemini - Consultant

    SURESNES 2008 - 2011 Skills: Java, JEE, Oracle

    ==== Developer on french international sporting goods company: Decathlon (Oxylane group) - 2009-2011 ====
    - Worked on production support and evolution of the intranet site to handle warehouse stock and production across the world. All writing communications in english.
    - Responsible for taking the lead on the support development. Trained new developers and foreign teams on the project.
    - Responsible to enhance and maintain more than 30 batchs running on database handling billion rows across all production servers (europe/asia).

    ==== Developer on french national energy provider EDF’s intranet site - 2008-2009 ====
    - Built an intranet site from scratch using JEE, Spring, AJAX, Oracle
    - Writing Functional / Technical / Interface / Test specification documents


  • Université Lille 1 Sciences Et Technologies

    Villeneuve D'Ascq 2007 - 2008 Master Ingénierie des Projets Informatiques - Nouvelles Technologies (IPI-NT)

    Formation très orientée vers la gestion de projet et le management.
    Formations aux nouvelles technologies (J2EE, .Net, ...)
  • Université Chambéry Savoie

    Le Bourget Du Lac 2006 - 2007 Première année de Master de Sciences et Technologies, Informatique et Systèmes Coopératifs (ISC)

    Projet étudaint: Workcraft
    Workcraft est un serious game. C'est un jeu multijoueurs visant à remplacer les séances traditionnelles de TD via du e-learning.

    Ce projet est composé de: un éditeur, un serveur, une application cliente et un dashboard

    Technologies: Java, C++, Swing, TCP/UDP, XML, XML-RPC, OpenGL, Irrlicht
  • Université Chambéry Savoie (Le Bourget Du Lac)

    Le Bourget Du Lac 2003 - 2006 Licence de Sciences et Technologies, mention Informatique

    Projet étudiant: Genesis Pixcolor
    Genesis Pixcolor est un puzzle game dans lequel le joueur doit résoudre des grilles.

    Technologies: Ada, SDL, OpenGL


Annuaire des membres :