
Noémie SELVE


En résumé

Etudiante en Master 1 au CELSA, option management de la communication.

Profil international, anglais, espagnol et portugais débutante, je suis à la recherche d'un stage de fin d'étude dans le secteur du luxe en Amérique Latine.
Capacités d'adaptation, d'organisation et d'écoute. Goût pour le travail en équipe, bon relationnel.

Communication des entreprises, marketing & communication, management évènementiel, management et communication interculturel, relations publiques.

Co founder Webzine Legaston
Passionnée de photographie - pratique la plongée-sous-marine
Semestre à l'étranger Février/Août 2013 Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile

Mes compétences :


  • Pernod Ricard - Marketing asistant

    PARIS 2015 - maintenant
  • Matucana 100 - Marketing Coordinator

    2013 - 2014 Matucana 100
    - Helping drive and expand the Matucana 100 brand
    - Developing and supporting business areas
    - Planning and managing various events

    Organization Festival MFEST 2014
    - Managing event materials and logistics
    - Researching new marketing opportunities
    - Creation and development of branding for the festival
    - Partners management
    - Graphic creation of communication supports with the creative team
    - Media buying (radio and print)
  • Yves Saint Laurent - Fashion Week Intern

    Paris 2012 - 2013 - Showroom logistics for buyers visit
    - Logistics for show
    - Assistant to models and stylists

    October 2012 1 month March 2013 1 month
  • LE GASTON - Cofounder and Chief Editor

    2012 - 2013 Webzine about culture, fashion, music, art, cinema and everything that can interest us!

    - contribution of articles (in French, English and Spanish)
    - community management Fan page Le Gaston
    - management of WordPress
  • Uzik - Chef de projet junior

    Paris 2012 - 2012 Junior Web Project Manager
    - strategic monitoring and technological surveillance
    - development of strategic recommendations aim at training the employees
    - production management with creative and programmer teams
    - communication management with clients and teams
    - community management @AgenceUzik

    Organization's special project
    Festival Calvi On The Rocks - Plage In Casa
    - community management @PlageInCasa
    / fan page Facebook
    - partners management
    - graphic creation of different means of communication in relation with the creative team
    - media buying (radio and print)
    - newsletter creation
  • Air France - Stewardess

    Roissy CDG 2011 - 2011


  • Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Chile Programa de Traducción (Santiago)

    Santiago 2013 - 2013 Master's degree - Student exchange program

    Neuilly Sur Seine 2011 - maintenant Master's degree - Communication Management
  • Université De Provence Aix-Marseille I

    Paris 2009 - 2011 Licentiate degree - International negociation and relations English / Spanish
  • Lycée Thiers

    Marseille 2005 - 2008 Baccalauréat (french high school diploma) obtained with honours


Annuaire des membres :