Dr Olivier Balet is the CTO of DIGINEXT, a subsidiary of CS Group, that regroups 170 employees including more than 60 experts in the field of simulation and Virtual Reality .
His main areas of expertise include mixed realities and location-based experiences, interactive storytelling, 3D interaction and rendering, 3D cartographic systems, simulation, homeland security.
Prior to his current position, he has conducted research on 3D interaction and visualisation at the Toulouse III University. He received his diploma (M.S.) and Ph.D. in computer science (VR specialisation) from the Toulouse III University, France. He is the author and has been the Project Manager of several European funded projects (CAVALCADE, VISIONS, V-Man, V-Planet, VISTA, INSCAPE, CRIMSON, V-City, INDIGO, CHESS, VASCO, MAGELLAN, etc.) projects.
He is also accredited expert to the European Commission and participated in the selection of proposals and project reviews under H2020 (Security, ICT), FP7 (INFSO), FP6 (Future and Emerging Technologies, Cultural Heritage, mixed realities, interfaces), FP5 (Virtual Reality, Simulation, Multimedia and Collaborative Working Action lines) and EUREKA.
He is also member of the Selection Committee of the Homeland Security Research program of the National Research Agency (ANR).
He has been Virtual Reality assistant professor at both the Toulouse III University and the ENSICA high school, program committee member or reviewer for international conferences (Eurographics, ICVS, VRIC, Minitrack, TIDSE, etc.), and is the author of more than 30 papers published in international journals and conference proceedings in his field of research.
Mes compétences :
Business development
Information Technology