
Olivier BALHAN


En résumé

Dear Viadeo Members,

Business Development & Sales Manager, with a strategic mind.

Entrepreneurial, proactive, customer oriented, results-driven and solution minded.

Strategic business developer, international lead searcher, prospector, negotiator, sales, high close-up rating with higher margins at all negotiation levels (CEO, COO, CFO, Group Director levels), expert in commercial management including in direct and indirect sales (sales agent and distributor networks), customer portfolio P&L manager, new market trend follower, team player who led teams of up to 30 people.

Holding a post-graduate degree in international trade, finance and marketing from a top-tier European university, I have a vast experience at the international level and made business with companies located in Belgium, The Netherlands, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, Germany, UK, US, Vietnam, India, Algeria, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, United Arab Amirates, Saudi Arabia, Romania, Ukraine.

Bilingual French-English, with a good command of Dutch and a basic level in Spanish.

Discrete and active networker rated “all star” on LinkedIn without getting many "complacency/fake" endorsements or referrals, I have a broad international business network.

Additionals : added value services, performance contracts, multicultural, highly numerate, accountancy-fiscality degree, global finance (futures contracts, currency forex majors, commodities), socially and environmentally responsible, concerned by environmental challenges, cleantech, renewable energies, interested by agro-food products and technologies, organic products and cultivation, human and animal health.

Interested in all industries’ equipment’s, solutions, turnkey plants, products, consumables, services including Business/Management/Change Management Consulting.

Potential territory coverage : Brussels, Wallonia, Belgium, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, Benelux, France, French speaking countries (444 millions persons worldwide), Europe, international.

Ready to relocate.

I am open to evaluate :
- positions/missions in other industries as I am a quick learner,
- an Interim Manager status for the first twelve months, if this can ease the legal (creation of a local company), employment and social security compliance procedure for my next employer/principal.

Mes compétences :
Green energy
Team Leader
Renewable Energies (énergies renouvelables)
Data Mining
Marketing & Sales
Direction commerciale
New Trend Hunter
Strategy & Business Development
Négociation commerciale
Gestion de la relation client
Food ingredients
Natural health and nutrition
Bilingual French-English, Good level Dutch


  • Nijhuis Industries - Country Manager BeNeLux & France, Business Development Manager Biogas & Waste2Value

    2014 - 2016 Nijhuis Industries is specialized in the design, manufacture and complete delivery of "ready for use" industrial waste water treatment and waste-to-value projects.

    The Nijhuis Industries group is active worldwide and has 2,500 references in more than 50 countries with focus on the food, beverage, dairy, textile, pharma, chemistry, oil & gas industries.

    Nijhuis Industries' vision and company mission "Realizing the value of (waste) water" underlines Nijhuis Industries' determination to fulfill the market’s need for innovative, sustainable solutions at the lowest possible operational cost.

    Mission and priorities :
    1. to help Nijhuis Industries develop the biogas plant and sludge/waste water treatment plant ADDED VALUE SERVICES with new biotechnologies and new technologies ;
    2. to bring the Performance Contract approach I have developped in the last years ;
    3. to identify newly planned AD plants and sludge/WWTP projects in the BeNeLux, France and internationally.
  • My own consulting cativity - Expert/Consultant in Biogas & Sludge/Waste Water Plant Performance Increase

    2012 - 2016 Helping operating companies of AD plants and municipal sludge/WWTP to increase revenues and reduce operational costs with new technologies and biotechnologies which enhance the biogas yield per ton of oDM input substrate/sludge while improving the dewatering/FAN separation process.

    - increase of biogas production (biogas m3 / oDM ton) from +10 % to +20 %;
    - in -20 % to -30 % time needed = reduction of the digestion cycle = increase of the annual production capacity;
    - higher CH4 content : from +2 % to +4 %;
    - better pH stability;
    - significative reduction of the odors.

    - increase of the biogas output by up to +20 % ;
    - decreases the final post-digestate or sludge volume by up to -20 % (dewatering).

    Result-based agreements = PERFORMANCE CONTRACTS with 6 month trials.

    Successful contracts signed with biggest AD plants and municipal WWTPs in the BeNeLux.
  • Biogas Nord AG - Country Manager BeNeLux & International Lead Search Manager

    2010 - 2013 Biogas Nord AG is a German public company which specializes in the design, manufacture and complete delivery of turnkey biogas plant projects.

    Active worldwide with more than 400 references in 20 countries, Biogas Nord is one of the top 5 world leading turnkey biogas plant contracting companies.

    My mission : identify newly planned biogas plant projects in the BeNeLux and internationally.

    My results:
    - Benelux sales 2011 : 4 millions EUR (1 biogas plant of 1.2 MW CHP power).
    - Benelux sales 2012 : 6 millions EUR (1 biogas plant of 2.8 MW CHP power).
    - Benelux sales 2013 : 7+ millions EUR (2 biogas plant projects : 1 project of 500 kW CHP power
    and 1 project of 800 Nm3 green gas upgrading unit).
    - International Lead Search mission : identification of 165 real planned biogas plant projects in around 40 countries, thanks to my searches and contact network in many countries.

    The company was bought over by an other important German biogas plant contracting company.
  • International partnership - Project Team Leader & Partner

    2006 - 2009 After 6 years "part-time" preparation : financial partnership in association with two US and UK investment bank system programmers. Conception and trading algorythm coding/programming, start-up of fully automated trading systems for US hedge funds (Quantix), for private trading companies (Moxy Futures) and for private traders.

    TARGETS & RESULTS : Technical and financial objectives reached. Due to the irrational market behaviour of 2008 and equity lake, decision to come back to more traditional professional activities.
  • Netline S.A. - Senior Account Manager  Business Manager (1 Sales Assistant + 1 Account Manager + 2 IT Engineers)

    2004 - 2006 Netline S.A. Rue de Bitbourg, 1. L-1273 Luxembourg. Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.

    - Internet Division of the Telephony Group S.A.
    - First CISCO Platinum Partner in Benelux.
    - ETRALI Exclusive Partner for Luxemburg (1,300 bank trading rooms from the world
    financial places linked on a same fiber optic network).
    - Internet access, Leased Lines, Hosting, Housing, Business Resilience Services,
    Business Continuity Services, Data Protection Services, Back-Up & Restore Services.
    - Sales targets reached at 95 % in 2004 and at 155 % in 2005.
  • Corman Food Industry S.A. - Planner - Production Department (3 employees + 30 workers)

    2003 - 2004 CORMAN Food Industry S.A. Route de la Gileppe, 4. B-4834 Goe. Belgium.

    Succeed in Shift Coach Exams (Search & Selection Recruitment Consultants - Waver).
    First world producer of AMF (anhydrous milk fats), concentrated butters and light butters.
    Registered trademarks : BALADE, CARLSBOURG, CUISINEL, …

    - Distribution, follow-up and control of the daily production requests towards the
    B.U.I.’s (Business Unit Industry) and B.U.P.G.C.’s (Business Unit Retail) production lines
    - Defining priorities in data management, planifying and co-ordinating changes in
    - Collecting productivity indicators and comparing them to the standards.
  • TECH-NOBEL S.A. - Project Manager (1 Account Manager + 1 Industrial Engineer + 15 Workers)

    1998 - 2003 Agro-food project engineering company specialised in the building of turnkey dairy product industrial units (pasteurised milk, fresh cheese, yoghurt) with recipes and production know-how, transfer and staff training, in Africa (Algeria, Guinea), Middle East (Saudi Arabia) and Asian countries (Vietnam, India).
    - Prospection for new projects.
    - Redaction of projects’ quotations according to the customers' requirements and technology level of the destination country, redaction of the equipment supply international sales contracts with respect to the regulations of the International Chamber of Commerce (I.C.C.) in Paris and Incoterms.
    - Final price negotiation of the projects’ constituting elements with the world leading suppliers in agro-food equipment (GILLAIN, PAKO, BORTOLIN, INDOC, …).
    - To work closely with production, shipping, accounts and logistics departments.
    - On site implementation supervision including work force management.
  • EUROPEAN TELECOM Group LLC. (European subsidiary of RSL COM USA Inc.) - Indirect Sales Account Manager - Walloon Region

    1996 - 1998 Telecommunication least cost routing services, voice & data, national long distance and international calls. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). Application hosting. Audio conferencing.
    - Prospection for new sales representatives (employees), sales agents (independent) and resellers (telecom & computer shops) to promote the company’s services.
    - To train the representatives, sales agents and resellers ; keep them informed of the existence of new services and the evolution of our tariffs. Conduct competitors’ surveys.
    - Sales targets reached at more than 100 % in both years.
  • EUROCOM HOLDING B.V. (European subsidiary of Telegroup Inc. USA) - Direct Sales Account Executive

    1994 - 1996 EUROCOM HOLDING B.V., Rivierenlaan 219, 8226 LG Lelystad, The Netherlands.
    European subsidiary of Telegroup Inc. (Inc. 500), Fairfield, Iowa, USA.

    Telecommunication Least Cost Routing (LCR) services, voice & data, leased lines.
    - Prospection for new sales amongst middle size companies 85 % and large companies 15 % (Marine Power Inc., Uniroyal S.A., Joskin S.A.)
    - The biggest international companies/multinationals are transferred for direct negotiation with our telecommunication partner Global OneTM.
    - Personal customer portfolio of about 120 companies with an annual turnover of 800,000 EUR. Best Belgian Direct Sales Account Executive in 1995.


  • European College Of Natural Medicine (I.E.M.N.), Waver (Belgium) (Waver)

    Waver 2011 - 2013 Bachelor degree in Naturopathy & Nutrition

    Anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry, physiopathology, nutrition, clinical nutrition, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, homeopathy, biovibratory, patient-therapeutist communication, Bach Flowers, Californian Elixirs, geobiology, healthy building & EMF/HF pollutions, diagnosis protocols, clinical psychology, color therapy.

    European Institute of Natural Medicine, Waver, Belgium : www.iemn.be
  • Massart Castle College, I.F.P.M.E. Liege (Belgium) (Liège)

    Liège 1997 - 1999 Bachelor degree in Agro-Food Production - Major : Ice-Cream & Chocolate Master

    Agro-Food Production Techniques - Major : Ice-Cream & Chocolate Master - Obtained with great honours.
  • U.L.B. Brussels University - Solvay Brussels School Of Economics & Management (Belgium) (Brussels)

    Brussels 1995 - 1996 University Post-Graduate Degree in International Trade, Marketing & Finance

    International Trade, Marketing, Finance.
  • I.F.P.M.E. Accountancy College, Verviers (Belgium) (Verviers)

    Verviers 1992 - 1995 Bachelor Degree in Accountancy-Fiscality

    Accountancy, fiscality - Obtained with With great honours.
  • H.E.C. Liege University (Belgium) (Liège)

    Liège 1988 - 1991 Masters Degree in Commercial Engineering, Economics, Business Management (candidate)

    Economics, Business Management, Languages - Economics, Business Management, Languages


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