Journaux :
Micromechanically-based formulation of the cooperative model for the yield behavior of semi- crystalline polymers,
2008. O. Gueguen, J. Richeton, S. Ahzi, A. Makradi. Acta Materiala, in press.
A new three phase model to estimate the effective elastic properties of semi-crystalline polymers. Application to PET,
2008. O. Gueguen, S. Ahzi, A. Makradi, S. Belouettar. Mechanics of Materials, submitted.
Micromechanical Modeling and Characterization of the Effective Properties in Starch Based Nano-Biocomposites,
2008. F. Chivrac, O. Gueguen, E. Pollet, S. Ahzi, A. Makradi, L. Averous. Acta Biomateriala, in press.
Modelling large deformation of polymers based on their morphology and thermodynamic properties: application to PET,
2008. O. Gueguen, A. Makradi, S. Ahzi, S. Belouettar. International Journal of Solids and Structures, submitted.
Conférences :
Micromechanical modeling of plastic deformation and texture evolution in semi-crystalline polymers: self-consistent vs. an upper bound approach,
2008. O. Gueguen, S. Ahzi, A. Makradi, S. Belouettar, S. Nikolov, R.A. Lebensohn. International Conference on the Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 15).
Nouveaux modèles micromécaniques pour estimer les propriétés mécaniques des polymères semi-cristallins,
2007. O. Gueguen, S. Ahzi, S. Belouettar, A. Makradi. Déformation Plastiques des Polymères Solides (DEPOS 21), p. 63.
New estimates of the effective elastic constants of semi-crystalline polymers,
2006. O. Gueguen, S. Ahzi, A. Makradi, S. Belouettar. 3rd International Conference Multiscale Materials Modeling, p. 312.
Effective elastic properties of semi-crystalline polymers,
2006. O. Gueguen, S. Ahzi, S. Belouettar, A. Makradi. 5th International Conference of Mechanics and Materials in Design, p. 375.
Mes compétences :
Matériaux composites