


En résumé


So as you have just read it my name is Olivier and i am from Saint Jean de Luz. I am currently 31 years old.

I have just started a new Geophysicist position with PGS UK Exploration in March 2012.

Previoulsy I have spent 5 years in Seismic Exploration campaigns with CGGV. Exploration campaigns both onshore and in Shallow Waters crews ( < 80m water depth). I have occupied the role of Party Manager in a first time (2 years) and then I have shift to a Party Chief position.

Exciting world, huge technical means, lot of responsabilites, fantastic people can be met in this activity, this company. I am fluent in English, Spanish and French.

I have decided to step off the exciting operational life for the 2010-2011 period. Indeed, i have integrated IFP School in Paris, where i am currently deeping my knowledge in Geophysics, Reservoir, Geology, Seismic Interpretation, Multi-Scale basins analysis...

I spend almost all my free time between Spain and France. Living pretty close to a border is something that I like pretty much.

Welcome on my profile,


Mes compétences :


  • Beicip-Franlab - Reservoir Characterization Geophysicist (Internship)

    2011 - 2011 Within a team of 2 other people, we have been asked by a Joint Venture between TOTAL and Qatar Petroleum to run a Post-Stack seismic inversion on the entire kingdom of Qatar (onshore/TZ/offshore). Based on a tremendous amout of seismic data (2D/3D) and about 150 wells logs, we have conducted this inversion process in order to better characterize some geological layers which have not been targeted as some mains producing zones during the past 40 years of exploration/production in Qatar. Today, Qatar remains ones of the biggest Gas producer.
    To run this job, software such as Easytrace, Openworks or Interwell 3D (Beicip-Franlab registered marks) were widely used.

    Paris 2005 - 2010 CGGVERITAS is providing some images to our client undergrounds using different methods (Explosives, Airguns, Vibrators). It depends mainly of the place where our clients are requiring us to work for them.

    CGGVERITAS is divided into 3 Stratetgic Business Unit's (MARINE, PROCESSING, LAND & SHALLOW WATERS). I am currently employed by the LAND and SW division.

    Each seismic crew (seismic data acquisiton campaign) is different to the previous and the next one. Different client, different country, different expatriates involved in the block, different local labors...To do so, CGGVERITAS is hiring some very flexible people abl to adapt themsleves very quickly to different countries.

    My job as a Party Chief is daily dealing with :

    -HSE focus, procedures, reporting, training, emegency procedures...
    -Technical preparation of the crew, quality of the seismic data, in coorindation with other department, deciding the recording sequence...
    -Exports of spare parts arriving/leaving from the country where we are working
    -Communicatons skills (with client representatives on crew, with Expatriates on crew, with local authorities, with local labors, with headquarters, with subcontractors...)
    -Travels booking

    Venezuela, Kazaksthan, India,Egypt, Thailand, Laos, South Africa, Spain, Indonesia are place where this job brought me.
  • Kudu Industries Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Trainee Engineer, Rotor Coating, and Workshops Design

    2004 - 2004 For my final project work 2004, I have been lucky to get in touch with Mr. Ray Mills, CEO of Kudu Industries Inc. This company based in Canada, Alberta, Calgary is a world leader manufacturer in the design and production of Progressive cavity Pumps. These latter's are used in the chemical, pharmaceutical, food industries and of course in Oil & Gas extractions sectors. Especially when API degree is getting vey low (i.e. very heavy crude oil or oil mixed with sand...).

    At my arrival in Calgary, Mr Mills asked me to work on two items simulaneoulsy :

    -Working with Mr Bob Hope to improve the thermal coating on pumps rotors which were suffering bad behaviour when working in very sandy areas or H2S areas. Venezuela mainly was reporting these problems. Changing the composition of the sprayed powders, quantities, temperatures....

    -Working with subcontractors to design the new workshops. Indeed, due to the very high numbers of orders received daily, Kudu Inc. was no more able to provide all these orders on time. CAO design, subcontractors meetings, cost controls, buying of two electromagnetic devices (to heat the rotors prior the powder injection for thermal coating...) in Switzerland, drilling 2 vertical holes (40 ' depth, 3' diameter) in the workshops ground so we can save more space in the working area...

    6 months stay, excellent opportunity, 2 millions USD for a trainee engineer as a first budget ! Only in CANADA.

    2001 - 2001 Sous la supervison d'un chef de stage, il s'agissait d'optimiser les methodes d'assemblage, gestion des pieces sur un tronçon du Falcon 2000EX.

    Essentiellement une approche d'Organisation/Methodes visant à réduire le temps d'assemblage (i.e. le nombre d'opérations d'assemblage/rivetage)sur le tronçon N°4 où les ailes, fuselage et réservoir s'assemblent. Ceci avant d'être envoyé sur Bordeaux Merignac pour montage des réacteurs,éléctronique de bord...et expédition sur les USA.

    Durée 4 mois. Résultats concluants. Beaucoup de bon sens et de logique pour résoudre des problèmes logistiques, somme toute simples.



    Rueil Malmaison 2010 - 2011 IFP Geophysics

  • Universidad De Barcelona (Barcelone)

    Barcelone 2007 - 2008 Master Oficial de Geofisica (BARCELONA) - UPC

    Faculdad de Geologia
  • Ecole Nationale D'Ingénieurs

    Tarbes 1999 - 2004 Mechanic and Industrial applications - Material Characterisation

    4° year at Universitat Politecnica de Barcelona (UPC)

    Final project work (5° year) in Calgary, Alberta, Canada for Kudu Industries Inc. This company is a world manufacturer leader in the progressive cavity pumps business. Manily use for extracting very heavy crude (Venezuela, Kazakshtan...)


Annuaire des membres :