J'ai démarré ma carrière au sein du laboratoire de recherche immunologique (LIR) Schering Plough. Puis j'ai continué mon expérience professionnelle dans le laboratoire des Filovirus au sein de l'unité 758 de virologie humaine. Après 7 ans de travaux sur les virus hautement pathogènes, j'ai rejoint l'entreprise Assytem, comme consultant R&D. Fin 2011, j'ai pris mes fonctions d'ingénieur inserm spécialisé en virologie P4. Aujourd'hui après 10 ans de R&D, je possède une grande expérience de la virologie et de la biologie moléculaire ainsi que de la mise au point de test diagnostic et de la réalisation de modèles infectieux.
A conserved proline-rich region of Ebolavirus matrix protein VP40 is essential for plasma membrane targeting and budding.
Olivier Reynard;Kirill Nemirov;Audrey Page;Mathieu Mateo;Hervé Raoul;Winfried
Weissenhorn;Viktor E Volchkov
J Infectious Diseases 2011 Nov, 204 (Suppl 3) : S757 - S1097
Genomic RNA editing and its impact on Ebola virus adaptation during serial passages in cell culture and infection of guinea pigs
Valentina A. Volchkova, Olga Dolnik, Miguel J. Martinez, Olivier Reynard and Viktor E. Volchkov .
J Infectious Diseases 2011 Nov, 204 (Suppl 3) : S757 - S1097
VP24 is a molecular determinant of Ebola virus virulence in guinea pigs.
Mathieu Mateo, Caroline Carbonnelle, Olivier Reynard, Larisa Kolesnikova , Kirill
Nemirov, Audrey Page, Valentina Volchkova and Viktor E. Volchkov .
J Infectious Diseases 2011 Nov, 204 (Suppl 3) : S757 - S1097
Role of VP30 phosphorylation in the Ebola 1 virus replication cycle.
Miguel J. Martinez, Valentina A. Volchkova, Herve Raoul, Olivier Reynard , and
Viktor E. Volchkov
J Infectious Diseases 2011 Nov, 204 (Suppl 3) : S757 - S1097
Knockdown of Ebolavirus VP24 impairs viral nucleocapsid assembly and prevents virus replication.
Mathieu Mateo;Caroline Carbonnelle;Miguel Julian Martinez;Olivier Reynard;Audrey Page;Valentina Volchkova;Viktor E Volchkov
J Infectious Diseases 2011 Nov, 204 (Suppl 3) : S757 - S1097
Ebolavirus evasion of plasmacytoid dendritic cell interferon responses correlates with impaired cellular entry
L W. Leung,;O. Martine,;O. Reynard, ;V. E.
Volchkov;, Christopher Basler
J Infectious Diseases 2011 Nov, 204 (Suppl 3) : S757 - S1097
Kunjin virus replicon-based vaccines expressing Ebola virus glycoprotein GP protect the guinea-pig against lethal Ebola virus infection
O. Reynard, V. Mokhonov, E. Mokhonova, J. Leung, A. Page, M. Mateo, O. Pyankova, M-C. Georges-Courbot, H. Raoul, A.A. Khromykh, V. E. Volchkov
J Infectious Diseases 2011 Nov, 204 (Suppl 3) : S757 - S1097
Unconventional secretion of Ebolavirus matrix protein VP40
Olivier Reynard, St. Patrick Reid, Audrey Page, Mathieu Mateo, Nathalie Alazard-Dany, Christopher F. Basler and Viktor E. Volchkov
J Infectious Diseases 2011 Nov, 204 (Suppl 3) : S757 - S1097
Mutations abrogating VP35 interaction with dsRNA render Ebola virus avirulent in guinea pigs
Kathleen C. Prins, Sebastien Delpeut, Daisy Leung, Olivier Reynard, Valentina A.Volchkova, St. Patrick Reid, Parameshwaran Ramanan Washington B. Cárdenas,Gaya K. Amarasinghe, Viktor E. Volchkov* and Christopher F. Basler
J Virol. 2010 Jan 13.
Ebola virus glycoprotein GP masks both its own epitopes and the presence of cellular surface proteins.
Olivier Reynard, Malgorzata Borowiak, Valentina Volchkova, Sebastien Delpeut, Mathieu Mateo, and Viktor E. Volchkov
J. Virol. 2009 Sep;83(18):9596-601
Role of ebola virus vp30 in transcription reinitiation
Miguel J. Martínez, Nadine Biedenkopf, Valentina Volchkova, Bettina Hartlieb,
Nathalie Alazard-Dany, Olivier Reynard, Stephan Becker and Viktor Volchkov
J Virol. 2008 Dec;82(24)
VP40 Octamers Are Essential for Ebola Virus Replication
Thomas Hoenen, Viktor Volchkov, Larissa Kolesnikova, Eva Mittler,
oanna Timmins, Michelle Ottmann, Olivier Reynard, Stephan Becker, and
Winfried Weissenhorn
J. Virol. 2005;79 898-9
Ebola virus glycoprotein GP is not cytotoxic when expressed consti
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