
Olivier SEGUIN


En résumé

Suite à 12 années de conception et de gestion de projets d'ensembles entrant dans des RADAR et des systèmes de guerre électronique, je profite de la fin d'un cycle d'un produit pour rejoindre la Guyane en 2003. Aventure heureuse où les vrombissements d'ARIANE et la concentration nécessaire durant les chronologies au Centre de Contrôle resteront à jamais gravés dans mon cœur.

En 2008 j'intègre les équipes internationales d'EADS CASSIDIAN. En charge des équipements radar dans les systèmes de drone, secteur en plein développement. La collaboration entre des équipes européennes pluridisciplinaires est très motivante.

J'entretiens également ma passion pour l'aviation

Durant ces 17 années j'ai développé les compétences suivantes :

Gestion et management d’équipes.
Gestion et management de projets.
Ingénierie systèmes
Système de mission.
Maintien en Condition Opérationnelle.
Conduite des opérations de lancement.
Electronique hyperfréquence.
Conception de synthétiseurs et récepteurs de fréquence.
Traitement numérique et analogique du signal.
Analyse de mission lanceur.

Mes compétences :
Direction de projet


  • EADS

    Blagnac maintenant
  • EADS - CASSIDIAN - Radar Integrated Product Team Leader

    Blagnac 2008 - maintenant In the Airborne Mission system team, leading the development of Radar payload for European UAV System.
    Lead the radar team and the transversal activities (Engineering, integration and test, production, logistic, procurement…).
    Monitoring and lead the European consortium (THALES, EADS DE, INDRA) in charge of the Radar development and insuring the good application of the industrial contract.
    Negotiating with the French, Spanish and German MoD the Radar mission requirements in the field of ISTAR missions (Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance).
    Negotiating with the Center of Competence the Radar work packages and Statement of works contents.
    Insuring the definition of the payload and responsible for on cost, on time, on performance delivery in all phases (from development to production)
    Responsible for Risk and Opportunities management.
    Insuring the derivation of Customer requirements to the Airborne Mission System and the Radar payload.

    2003 - 2008 Monitoring and managing the ongoing development and maintenance of the radars, the remote control station and time synchronization system in the European space port.
    Insuring for the radar systems, remote control station and the synchronization systems the implementation of the Industrial Contract of Service.
    Contracting authority during the projects of renewal as such elaborates the functional specifications and possesses the delegation of the Guyana Space center.
    Suggest the renewals to register on the investment plan and participating in the technical definition of the new projects.
    Deputy of the Range Operation Director insuring the responsibility of the implementation of the mission system during the launch campaigns.

    Courbevoie 1991 - 2003 Piloting the design of radar and electronic warfare systems.
    Defining the development costs.
    Negotiating the requirements, the costs and timeframe with the external suppliers.
    Coordinating the design and the integration (I&T) of the radar subsystems.
    Proposing modifications to increase technical performance and reduce manufacturing costs.
    Coordinating the transfer of the design files to the manufacturing unit and training colleagues.
    Writing the system specifications and acceptance procedures.
    Designing software to test equipment automatically.


Annuaire des membres :