


En résumé

J'ai effectué plusieurs expériences qui m'ont permis de mettre en pratique mes connaissances et de développer un certain sens du relationnel au travers des différentes tâches qui m'ont été confiées : Conseiller la Clientèle, Suivre l'approvisionnement des rayons et gestion stocks, Organiser les inventaires etc. Calcul Commercial, Merchandising ,Microsoft office , Logceil Gestion Commercial ,WebMaster , Web designer, gérer d’équipe , je participe a l’ouverture de magasin Virgin MEGASTORE ....

Mes compétences :
Opération de L’Approvisionnement
Adobe Flash
Sage Saari gestion commerciale et comptable
Traité les Besoin de Cliente
Présentation des Dossiers des Produits
Adobe Flash Builder 4.5
Html – Php – Css – Gestion BDD
Manipulation de BDD
Vente par Téléphone
Calcule Commerciaux
Etude de Marché
Open Office (Linux)
Microsoft office 2007/2003
Attaché commercial



    2014 - maintenant
    *Manage Salesman outdoors -Assure all salesman target to give them help and follow all they sales movment.
    *Manage Contract clients -Check all contract before and after signed for make planning time works for factory.
    *Manage Accountant -Check all money movement, first and final Clients payments, banks, sales and purchases.
    *Manage Adverting -Organise advertising design, social network marketing, newspaper ads, marketing indirect.
    *Manage Factory -Follow manager factory if respect my planning time for ensure delivery time our clients.
    *Manage Logistics -Follow all transport for ensure if clients received they orders and they satisfied.
    *Manage Desgins -Check all orders designs if respect manufacturing with low cost and best design in AutoCAD.
    *Manage Store -Follow Store responsible if our raw material available or in red line to make new purchases . Manage Purchase
    *Manage Purchases -Searching for new provider about good quality and low cost and manage purchases and delivery.
  • AZMultimedias - Responsable Commercial

    2014 - 2014
    + Roles :*Sales Responsible -Make meeting for planning to sales outdoor and for ensure 100% success visit clients via national.
    *Activity Reports -Create report daily abouts all move, sales, targets, prospects, realizations, and problems.
    *Customer Services -Contacts and received all call and email clients for follow their satisfaction or
    problem for find solution and develop our services.
    *Manage Logistics -Follow all delivery for ensure respect delivery date to clients without loss time and problems.
    *Control stock -Check store every weeks and create report for products available, products in red line to
    out of stock, products null sell.
    *Purchases Reports -Create reports monthly for all products in and out and send list to Direction of purchases
    to import new products near to out of stock or new need our clients .
  • Comunivers - Direct Sales Agent

    Casablanca 2013 - 2014 +Roles :*Plan Visit -Organisation list of custamer to area for start from first customer visit to the final customer
    to save time and business efficiency.
    *Visit Custamer -Contacts and visiting customer after organise area segmentation and plan visit for win time.
    *Control Customer Stock -Verify customer stock for i can create report about products hot sell and low sell.
    Organise Sales -Force customer to sell our products and propose promotions for encouragement to sell.
    *Organise Logistics -Decided delivery time better to organisation daily plan for can delivery customer in same day.
    Merchandising -Organise position products for can be visible and attractive to the customer for force to buy.
    *Advertising interior market -Install advertising in interior market and ensure ads visible to customer and organised.
    *Organise Target -Organise my target daily for ensure finish day with 100%visite and 100% target realised.

  • VIRGIN STORES - Cheif products

    Clichy 2012 - 2013 +Roles : *Supervisor -Supervisor 3 agent customer services for merchandising and sales with daily planning .
    *Merchandising -Control all products to be good installed and respected daily planning without mistake.
    *Numoclatures -Ensure no wrong into nomenclature into because the small mistake make problems.
    *Price ensure the price not confused to another product that mistake can be problem in stock
    ,sales and misunderstanding with customer.
    *Stocks -Create report weekly.and control stock to ensure all products available or out of stock.
    *Purchases -After stock report weekly i send list of products not available to responsible purchase.
    Customers -Save all problem customers and find solution there problem with satisfaction list questions.
    *Advertising -Ads inside store more visible and attractive in places with more visit for win more visibility.
    *Marketing -Create the techniques marketing for more visibility to products and create need to buy.
  • Nielsen - Prospecteur

    New York 2012 - 2012 etude de marché
    organisation de tournée
    visite des prospects
    complete les questionnaire
    collecte maximam des informations
    atteindre l'objectif de visite
    organisé les rapports quotidien
    envoye la base de donnée informatisée à departement marketing
    et les documents des rapports à quotidien


  • Institut Spécialisé De Technologie Appliquée ISTA (Rabat)

    Rabat 2010 - 2012 Agent Technique de Vente


Annuaire des membres :