A unique combination of innovations and success in the CPG industries and retails :
With 18 years in FMCG leading companies, working in Marketing as well as in Sales,
5 years of entrepreneurial challenges in Interactive kiosks for Retailers and Brands,
and 9 Years at IRI, focused on Shopper and Retail at International levels,
and now 2 years on digital business intelligence and pricing,
I am bringing a unique know-how of Insights into Action, and win-win Solutions for retailers and manufacturers, often supported by technology and innovation in the Big Data and the in store / digital execution.
I offer a full scope of services, from innovation to development, leads and proposals, contract and pilot phase management,
I have designed a game changing approach of shopper and retail marketing : "the Fice S".
I am teaching retail at Paris-Sorbonne University to young retail managers.
Missions: Growth | Lead | Contract | Pilot
Shoppers: Shopper Insights | Shopper activation | loyalty cards | CRM | RFM| Big Data I Pricing I Digital
Countries: France | Europe | USA
Categories: FMCG's | wines | General Merchandise
Brands: FMCG category leaders | Private Labels | Low price brands
Channels: Mass retailers | Carrefour | Casino | Picard |Sainsbury’s | Boots | Delhaize Le Lion | Nocibé | Leroy Merlin