I am 35, and I have been working in the field of software development for the past 8 years. As an IT architect, I have developped excellent relationship skills through frequent contacts with my clients and Assistance for contracting authority.This role has also strengthened my ability to take initiatives and work with autonomy.
The management of the clients' deliverables and projects required a great deal of perserverance, organisation and attention to detail.
Actually MBA student on change management, I am interested in a role with an international dimension, in the area of project management.
Knowledge in IT:
Communication: Web Service (++), MQ Series (++)
Serveur Application: Tomcat (++),WAS (+),
Langages:Java,C,Cobol,SQL,Uniface, Pacbase
Système: MVS,AIX,CICS,
SGBD:Sybase (++),DB2 (+), Oracle (+)
GCL :Continuus/CM Synergie (++)
Mes compétences :
Web Service
Gestion de projet
Pas de formation renseignée