


En résumé

I am 35, and I have been working in the field of software development for the past 8 years. As an IT architect, I have developped excellent relationship skills through frequent contacts with my clients and Assistance for contracting authority.This role has also strengthened my ability to take initiatives and work with autonomy.
The management of the clients' deliverables and projects required a great deal of perserverance, organisation and attention to detail.
Actually MBA student on change management, I am interested in a role with an international dimension, in the area of project management.

Knowledge in IT:
Communication: Web Service (++), MQ Series (++)
Serveur Application: Tomcat (++),WAS (+),
Langages:Java,C,Cobol,SQL,Uniface, Pacbase
Système: MVS,AIX,CICS,
SGBD:Sybase (++),DB2 (+), Oracle (+)
GCL :Continuus/CM Synergie (++)

Mes compétences :
Web Service
Gestion de projet


  • Collectif 200% - Chanteur Designer

    2014 - 2014 Création d'un video Clip avec plusieurs amis pour la coupe du monde 2014 :
  • AGIRC ARRCO - Project Manager

    Tamatave 2011 - maintenant Audit et suivi des projets informatiques liés à l'USINE RETRAITE auprès du groupe Malakoff Médéric
  • AGIRC ARRCO - Project Manager

    Tamatave 2009 - 2011 Audit et suivi des projets informatiques liés à l'USINE RETRAITE auprès du groupe Réunica
  • GICR - Architecture Informatique

    2001 - 2008 2008-09 MBA Change & Innovation AMBA and EQUIS accredited, IAE Aix-en-Provence, Graduate School of Management, France

    GICR, Aix-en-Provence, France - Specialised in Software design for Pension Funds

    Project Management:
    2008 Provided assistance for contracting authority, customer liaison, expression of needs and project monitoring (1500 man days).
    Guaranteed specifications and compliance with budgets.

    Software Architect:
    2004 - 2007 Provided technical expertise on major production (IBM products), negotiated with customers and validated programs. Supplier to 80% of existing French pension funds and 18 millions retirees.
    Performed analysis of business architectures and processes; definted the design and technical architecture for complex technological solutions.
    Monitored project and implementation of technical tools on customer production (Server applications, development workshops, SCM).
    Formalized needs, proposed and presented solution to the board for budgeting.
    Managed major project for French Social Security Pension Fund (CNAVS). Finished 500 day project within 6 months.
    Coordinated the process teams to manage and optimise process and workflow within the company.

    2004-2005 Managed integration team; integrated different software modules.
    Monitored project to migrate to new system.
    Defined and implemented system datawarehouse.
    2002 - 2004 Managed project policies and procedures . Supervised team of engineers.

    Quality Control and Support:

    2002 - 2004
    Responsible for implementing Quality Control and process for 40 developers.
    Specifications for organisational aspects of software: organisational structure, user rights,workflow.

    2001 - 2002 Developer Support - provided technical support for 40 developers on 1800 programs. Guaranteed Quality Control and process implementation.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :